
Lung Cancer Research Paper

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Lungs: Infected with Cancer
How does physical activity affect the growth of cancer in the lungs?

Lungs are a major part of the respiratory system. They are responsible for filtering carbon dioxide out of the air we inhale and sending oxygen into the bloodstream to aid in breathing. When that system is tampered with, things can go wrong. Different treatment methods have different levels of success and each target certain areas of the cancer in attempt to destroy the disease. This report investigates the effects of cancer on the lungs and will look at whether or not physical activity positively affects the growth/diminishment of the cancerous cells.

Lung cancer is the most terminal of all cancers, killing more people than colon …show more content…

The respiratory system is made up of several important parts, including the trachea or “windpipe” where the cancer is most likely to originate (see fig.2 for location). Other parts include the pleura; the thin coating separated from the lungs by a small amount of liquid. This is in place to allow for easier breathing and to not corrode the chest walls when individual is inhaling. Lungs are heavily impacted by the formation of cancer because of the fact that they keep blood pumping to the heart and without that, the heart stops and breathing of the individual ceases resulting in …show more content…

Exercise can improve quality of life and a possible increased chance of surviving the lung cancer, it is unclear however, whether it “cures” cancer or not but A.Emaus and I.Thune show exercise to be more beneficial for men than women. The exercise does not have to be strenuous, either, a news article claims that even gardening can lower the risk of cancer or improve condition. It also says that exercise can be hard if the patient suffers from “cancer fatigue,” a tiredness that comes from the treatments for

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