I don’t regularly get in trouble, but when I do I get grounded and sometimes even worse. There was one time when I got in trouble for using profane language in front of a teacher. I got lunch detention and had to turn in a note to my mom which said, “Marco was displaying harsh words which is an infraction to our school policy and has three days of lunch detention.” I seriously thought it was bull S*** because I was exercising my right of freedom of speech. Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply in school. Anyways, I didn’t care about the lunch detention but I was scared of my mom because she is crazy and would not accolade of my foul language. I got home and tried to hide the note in my room but it didn’t realize that she started cleaning after
Minden, Cecilia. Lunch by the Numbers. 2008 ed. United States of America, 2008. 28. Print.
“ I don’t want to hear one more word from you, now go back to class.” the principal stated sternly as she assured me out the door. I went back to class and finished the rest of the school day. When I arrived home my mom sent me to my room until my dad came home to talk with me and discuss my punishment. After my dad’s lecture
On April 20, 1999, students and teachers from Columbine High School took a break from their school work for a lunch break. With the nice weather, students were allowed to eat outside for lunch if they desired. It seemed to be just another regular routined day, but little did they know, a few miles away, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were armouring up with deadly weapons, ready to change the daily schedule.
I moved to south east corner of Georgia in little ole Waycross. You probably don't know where that is but imagine dirt roads, mud, bad weather, and alligators and that's where i moved to. I was enrolled in Williams Heights Elementary School and placed in Mrs. Rodgers class but my trouble making days weren't over. I always was messing with my teacher by erasing what she had written on the board or just being defiant. I was so bad that one day i decided to start a food fight in lunch by launching milk cartons like mortars. This sparked the immediate retaliation of the opposing table and since i threw the first milk carton i was the one who got in trouble. When I went to the Principal's office the principal said
She gasped. Later that day, my friend pretended to be a ragdoll and fell out of his seat. I jumped up out of my seat and slid across the teacher's desk. She sent me out into the hallway and made me call my mom. I got avenged by my friend. He started jacking around and shouted curse words at the teacher. Meanwhile, my teacher was so caught up with trying to get my friend under control, I was stranded in the hallway. My mom told me to behave and then she hung up. I asked pointlessly,
In the article about fixing school lunches is a great idea because it can help kids lose weight and getting on a better new diet. Some kids think that they don’t need to diet because they're small or they shouldn’t care, but they should cause when they get older they're not going to be in very good shape. It is also a good idea because it an instructional tool to be healthy.
While I was waiting sitting in a room full of colorful posters about behavior with lots of paper shelf's,the principal was thinking what was she going to do with me and trying to contact my parents to tell them about
We have no periods and no specific classes, in our school we have one specific teacher and we work on all subjects throughout the day. We also have mixed grades, for example we have eight graders mixed in with seventh and sixth graders. And we all work together. Like if a sixth grader needed help on math the eighth grader will help them instead of the teacher doing all of the helping. There are different lunch periods. From 12:00-12:45, is the big kids lunch time. From We can even eat lunch with other grades. Our assignments are not due the new day we have a menu. This is used to be able to manage our time more. We do a lot
I chose Government Regulating Public School Lunches for my topic. The price of school lunches have gone up several time within the past few years. The school lunch price is now up to $2.70. I think that government should not regulate the food that schools feed the students at lunch. I think that the schools should pay and get to choose the type and amount of food that they feed the students. I do understand that students are bigger than they were 50 years ago, but the times have changed. Maybe the human body is adapting to the type of food that we were eating. But the government is also paying the school to give free or reduced lunches to some of the students. I think that is the only good part of the government sticking their nose in the school
Marc F. Bernstein’s comment in The Sunday Review portion of The New York Times states that there are “a large number of highly under scheduled high school seniors.” Bernstein implies that the last year of high school for some students is a waste of time. Even though most seniors may be under scheduled by having multiple lunches or only two or three classes, being a senior is more about the classes you take. Most of the students that only have three classes most likely have duel enrolment classes in addition to their high school courses. Not only are they getting credits for college and high school, they are also getting free college classes and books. Even though these students are under scheduled they have an advantage to take college classes and or go to work during the time that they are not at high school. Only having two or three classes in a day could be used as an advantage to many students. I myself, a senior at Pace High School, only have three classes then I can leave. I get out of school at twelve every day. During this time that I am not at school I am taking two duel enrolment classes, working twice a week, finishing homework, and helping
If you were offered McDonald's or Subway during school, what would you say? Duh, you would say yes. Rather than that nasty cafeteria meat, which you don't even know what animal it comes from. Or those nasty cardboard mozzarella cheese sticks, no thanks. I would rather eat fast food, and know where my food comes from. Saying schools lunch is spectacular, is like saying I hate chocolate.
Since I was A a little kid I always got in trouble. I would fight with other kids, I would climb A a tree without permissionpermision, sometimes I even put Aa spider on my sister'ssisters bed. So, I always got in trouble for everything I did. Then everything changed when I was 3 years old.
I was in trouble. I had broken the urinal. First I got suspended by the principle for 2 days. Sure not going to school is fun but I had to work outside all day as punishment. I was also sure that it would go on my record so I was sad about that. Secondly i got a ticket . If you did not know tickets are very expensive. I was going to have to work off that bill. Finally I had to go to court. It was 240$ which is a lot but what could i do. That is how I got in trouble in 8th grade.
Many of the students that eat school lunch believe that it is not very good. They believe that we need better food. The school claims that the food is healthy, but according to most of the students that go here the lunch is terrible. The school thinks that we need to eat healthier at school. They are trying to make food healthy and not looking into the details, so they are still very unhealthy. For example one food may be low in calories but high in sodium. As a school we need to come up with a better solution to this problem.
I have always been looked at as a good student, but there are moments where I will do something very bad. This is about the moment in the 6th grade when I was able to avoid being suspended. It all started at recesses,so at recesses I usually go and play basketball or kickball. Yet for some reason I didn’t feel like playing that day, so I went to go hang out with some friends. When I got there,one of my friends were acting like an idiot(he was dancing) in front of this girl. He looked as if he was doing it for her entertainment like a jester. Who he was dancing for was this girl who I absolutely hated:she dated my best friend and cheated on him. So I decided to ruin her fun by pulling down the pants of my friend while he was dancing. I pulled