
Lumbar Laminectomy Case Summary

Decent Essays

DOI: 1/29/2012. Patient is a 34-year-old female clinical assistant who sustained a work-related injury to her back when she was transferring a patient and felt pain in her low back and left side. She has prior history of lumbar laminectomy. She was treated conservatively with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy and work restrictions. Per the PT progress notes dated 10/29/14, patient has attended 21 sessions for the back. She is status post left sacroiliac joint and left piriformis trigger point injection on 08/27/15.
Based on the medical report dated 12/16/15, the patient follows up from completion of PT. She has had a left sacroiliac (SI) joint and piriformis trigger point injections which have provided some relief. She states that PT did help somewhat but there is increase of pain with doing the exercises. She states she also …show more content…

She has disc herniation at L5/S1 that may also be a contributor and mimicker of her symptoms.
Recommendation was made for a left L5 transforaminal epidural steroid injection to see if this will help her pain more than the SI joint and piriformis trigger point injections. This would be for diagnostic purposes and potential therapeutic. She would like to schedule the injections.

Requested verification from the provider’s office on the indication of intravenous sedation, however, no callback was received prior to the submission of this request to PA.

Per the AME supplemental report by Dr. Garland dated 05/21/14, the treating doctor has recommended an anterior lumbar decompression and fusion followed by posterior fusion with instrumentation. It was opined that the IW still needed more treatment and surgery should be authorized.

Current request is for 1 Left Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection at the L5 Level under IV Sedation and Fluoroscopy between 12/23/2015 and

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