
Lucy Vs Australopiths

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Australopithecus afarensis, called Lucy (named after the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (p. 290)); classified as australopiths and “the more primitive than any of the other later australopiths fossils.” A female partial hominid fossils (40% skeletal remains) discovered by Donald Johanson in Hadar, Ethiopia. A. afarensis considered as sexually dimorphic, that is male species are larger than females. Studies show that Lucy lived between 3.7 and 3.5 mya and had a combination features of both ape and human. Apelike features, the face forward-projecting jaw and small brain measured not more than 420 cm- about 1/3 the human brain size; humanlike features, had humanlike teeth, pelvis and leg bones; thus had an ability to walk upright

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