Lucy Heartfilia paced around her barren room. Her father had told her to stay inside and set guards outside to door to make sure she wouldn't leave. She was used to these kind of things happening, her father was way too protective. Sure, she was the only heir to the throne of Fiore and there were bound to be people come after her, but all the guards were highly trained. Weren't they enough to protect one princess?
Apparently her father thought not. Ever since her mother had been killed when she was little. Things had already been bad between Lucy and her father and her mother was the one Lucy depended on most. When she died everything just went down hill. Her father got stricter and more distant and Lucy found herself seeing more and more of her room.
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There wasn't anything that could be done about the current situation. The king, her father, had left to discuss an old treaty with a neighboring county leaving her here, in her room, for a week. She felt more like a prisoner than royalty.
The only human contact she'd had while her father had away was when the servants brought her meals. Usually Lucy would eat in the extravagant dining hall. However, since she had tried to run away last time her father went on one of his trips Jude had ordered that she was to eat in her room while he was away.
"Stupid dresses, stupid room, stupid king," she muttered under her breath as she turned the chair to face her desk that sat by the window. The top draw slid out easily and Lucy carefully took out her manuscript. At least in her writing she could be wherever she wanted to.
There was a knock on the door and shortly after a girl with shoulder length pink hair entered the room carrying a silver tray. Lucy turned from the window, smiling. The girl was one of the kitchen staff and a good friend of Lucy's.
"Aries, can you stay with me a while?" Lucy almost
The children at St. Lucy’s and the Native American children remembered and forgot things that were going on at home while they were there. They also remembered and forgot things that happened while they were away from their families. In the passage it says, “I remembered how disorienting it was to look down and see two square-toed shoes instead of my own four feet” which shows how they are remembering their old culture, had not yet forgotten their old ways, and were confused about what they were doing. The children remembered their parents and brothers, and also remember how they missed them during some times when they felt lonely. The children’s families tried to forget about their children that had been taken away by keeping themselves busy
This black and white sitcom displays many characteristics that differentiate this show from current ones. During this time, women were displayed in the upmost manner and they had to keep the “lady like” image. Lucy is displayed as this innocent quiet lady who was expected to only do right. Women were expected to maintain their elegance and class, while men were able to have a bit of freedom with their personality. She was never shown drunk and was always well behaved. Having Lucy in a drunken state could alter others’ opinions of her. In the show, they never referred to Lucy as pregnant. They would always say that Lucy is “with child” or “expecting”. Also, it was forbidden for Lucy and Ricky to sleep in the same bed on television. They were filmed on two separate twin-sized beds, even if they were married. Everything was nicely thought out in hopes to not degrade Lucy’s status as a woman. The
She left with him before even learning his name and spent the night as she says, “I left Roland’s bed only because I had promised Paul I would see him later that night.” This is another case where Lucy shows that sex does not mean much to her. That she has pleasure without attachment. This is not the first time that Lucy has gone from one man to the next. It is another sexual norm that Kincaid inputs on the story. Lucy wanted to separate herself from being similar to her mother, she did not want to be like her any longer because she had felt trapped by the way she was raised. At one point in the novel that ties both virginity and monogamy is where she introduces herself to Paul saying, “How are you?’ in a small, proper voice, the voice of the girl my mother hoped I would be: clean, virginal, beyond reproach. But I felt the opposite of that.” (97) This is Kincaid showing how Lucy has such a rebellious desire to not be like her mother. Making her want to lose her virginity more and be with more men. This does not stop here, as monogamy and the value of sex is a reoccurring theme throughout the novel and it is not only with men.
After helping save the beautiful Princess Buttercup Inigo and Fezzik stayed with the pair for quite some time after. The longer they stayed the more frustrated Buttercup got. Finally, one day, when Fezzik was outside knocking trees over and smashed Buttercups flower garden. As soon as she saw her poor Petunias smashed she went berzerk! As he left Inigo followed but the two had a plan. And so it had begun, the adventures of Inigo Montoya and Fezzik the Giant! “Inigo, what do you think France will be like”? Said Fezzik. “I think it will be great, why do you ask”? Asked Inigo. “Well, I just do not know what people will say when they see me”, Worried Fezzik. “Do not worry my friend, you will be fine! You are as tall as the trees and as brave as a lion, you should not worry about what others think of you!”, said Inigo. Fezzik was quite for the rest of the voyage, and Inigo was worried about how he would like France. It was a big place, but he was a big man and Inigo believed that he would be better once they arrived.
room. After 10-15 minutes, the child was asked to find the doll in the smaller room. If they were
Claire Standish or “the princess” portrays the stereotypical popular teenage girl in The Breakfast Club. She is in detention with everyone else because she decided to skip class and go shopping, which also plays into the stereotypical teen girl image. It can also be assumed that she is spoiled and rich since her father tried to get her out of detention but failed, and she mentions to the group that her parents only use her to get back at the other one. She brings a fancy lunch of sushi while the other teens either have nothing or the standard lunch one’s parents might pack for them. There are a couple of times in the movie that she brings up her social standing and could even be considered as looking down on those who are not as popular as her. Even closer towards the end of the movie she informs the others that if they were to say hello to her in the hallway in front of her friends, she would have no choice but to ignore them. By the end of the movie, she has opened up to everyone else about her fears of letting her peers down and has formed a close relationship with Bender.
Lucy was living a life situated around a different set of nurture characteristics when compared to other children. At the age of 7, she was living in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City along with her parents. There was no mention as to whether she had siblings. The Upper East Side of New York is considered to be affluent and home to many wealthy people. She
Moreover, after Lois is grown up, the story says, She was tired a lot, as if she was living not one but two.' Even though Lucy doesn't exist anymore, the life of what might have happened if Lucy had not stepped sideways' shadows over her all the time. From this it can be implied that Lois is always with Lucy, the other ego of hers. Also Lois is always listening to the voice of a person who should have been there but that was not, an echo.' It could be implied that the echo is Lucy's voice.
He even becomes upset when she wishes to write, causing this story to be "composed" of writings she manages to do in secret. John places her in the attic of the mansion, like a dirty secret, in what she believes to be a former nursery. There is, however, strong evidence that the narrator is not the first mental patient to occupy the room - there are bars on the windows and gouges in the floor and walls; the bed is bolted down and has been gnawed on and the wallpaper has been torn off in patches.
Lynn and Lucy search for presents around the house. Because Lynn is strong, it’s her job to lift stuff too heavy to lift, including Lucy.
Home health nursing seems simple when compared to nurses who work in specialties. Being a home health nurse is unique. When working in a specialty you are able to focus on one system, and specific diseases processes. The knowledge of multiple diseases and systems is one respectable difference. In home health there is no luxury of a controlled environment.
The Blackburn Committee decide which student is the most qualified and most deserves the Covington Scholarship.
This unforsaken tragedy, an untimely death for one proves to be a new beginning blossoming for the pair. The death also leads to the figurative death of the “old” Lucy, and makes for a shifting, dynamic character to arise. A defining moment of her transformation occurs when lonesomely wander the city, her thoughts begin to take control. Her mind wandered “the gates of liberty seemed still unopened. [Lucy] was conscious of her discontent; it was new to her to be conscious of it. "The world," she thought, "is certainly full of beautiful things, if only I could come across them" (27). It is clear here that she seems trapped, in a way she her self can’t explain, she is only aware that she isn’t happy with the way she is and has been living. This feeling was new and she was aware of just that, she had unlocked a new level on consciousness she had been unable to acquire in the home country of England. She knew she needed to leave it behind, to break away from this feeling that was consuming her, but how she was going to go about it, had her confused. Subconsciously she knew this was a step in the right direction to finding her identity. Her whole life Lucy had merely allowed other to make decisions on her behalf, she was no stranger in being told what to do. As Lucy began discovering her own identity and becoming her own person she struggled with the new obligation of thinking for herself, “This solitude oppressed her; she was accustomed to have her thoughts
Lucy’s nose is very cool because she can smell ten times better than us so what my brother and I do with her to keep Lucy’s nose, fresh as my dad says is we run around the yard and hide one at a time. My dad picked a spot in the yard like I have hidden under a wheelbarrow, up a tree, under a trailer, in between trees and every time I heard she finds me. My dad told me the reason that she rubs her ears on the ground is so she can the scent of what she's looking for in this case us she use the aroma on her ears and smell what she is looking for. When she finds us she gets a treat. Sometimes we put a treat in our pocket so it’s easier to find us and also to warm her up to find us later it gives her motivation.
After submitting my mini essay and rereading it, I realized there are a couple things I could improve on. One being eliminating passive sentences. I could work on this by finding worksheets or lessons on passive sentences and practice identifying them and changing them to active. Learning how to avoid passive voice will help make my writing more clear, helping the readers understand my points easier. Additionally, it will help make my arguments sound stronger and keeps the sentences from being too wordy and becoming confusing. Eliminating passive voice will help make my writing more direct and clear and overall help improve my writing.