
Loyalty In The Outsiders

Decent Essays

In this book The Outsiders written by S.E. Hinton, She talks about Greasers and how they always have each others backs. This book is realistic fiction.This theme is about loyalty. Loyalty is an important theme because, if you’re not loyal to people or friends you can’t expect them to trust you, or need you. For instints in The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton Darry says “Are you alright, Ponyboy?”(Hinton,6) He’s being loyal also his friends are loyal because they help Ponyboy. Ponyboy and Johnny are loyal to one another because they wouldn’t ever leave each other behind. Loyalty is when you have support, faithfulness, devotion to another person or people. I think Ponyboy and Johnny’s friendship is every part of loyalty. “I looked around, startled. I hadn’t realized Johnny had been right behind me all the way.”(Hinton 91-92) Right there was another example of loyalty. …show more content…

They show many ways of loyalty they’re there for each other no matter what. From the begging to end they were there when Johnny, Dally, and Ponyboy were in the hospital. However Dally was loyal to Ponyboy and Johnny because he wouldn’t tell Sodapop or Darry where they were no matter what. Dally gave them money and a place to run off till things died down. The Greasers are loyal to eachother because they share the similar backrounds so they relate to each other and they know how those things feel. Also they do things together “Our gang had chasedthe Socs tho their car and heaved rocks at them” (Hinton

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