
Low Carb Diet Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

BBC News reported last year that a low fat diet is better than cutting carbohydrates for weight loss. But, Mail Online contradicted this by telling that low carb diet is the best way to lose weight. Sounds confusing?
By tradition, weight loss diet plans were based on the impression of following a low fat diet. But the modern times proposed a new idea of no or low carb diets, making Atkins diet and others more popular.
There was a diet experiment that studied 19 obese males and females for six (6) days. The 6-day low carb diet yielded more weight loss compared to low fat diet. However, the low fat diet caused more fat loss. In general, losing more fat tissues has better effects to your health. Technically, both the reports of BBC News and Mail Online are right. They both hold truth regarding two of the most popular diets of today. …show more content…

They followed the concept of combining regular physical activity with limited calorie intake. For them, this is a sustainable method to lose weight without depending on any tricks.
The confusion on which is the best weight loss diet is quite understandable. The low carb diet can result to more weight loss on the whole. On the other hand, low fat diet will lead to more fat loss.
The researchers debated that the fat loss is more significant to those who are obese. This indicates that the weight loss obtained in the low carb diet was not extended to fat loss. Even though this idea was excluded in that study, an individual can lose weight through losses in water and muscle.
According to Susan Jebb, a health expert, the best kind of weight loss is the kind of diet that you can stick to. Regardless of following low carb or low fat diet, the bigger issue is how you can sustain the diet in the long run.
The human body gets its energy from two (2) main sources: by burning carbs and fats. Both are controlled by the insulin. Popular diets would frequently recommend cutting carbs or

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