
Love Not All

Decent Essays

This poem is broken in to three distinct parts even though it does not contain multiple stanzas. The first section is from line one to line six. Within this section the initial idea of the poem is presented. This idea that ‘’love is not all ‘’ completely contrasts standard belief. Edna St. Vincent Millay compares love to all the basic life needs including food, water, and shelter. Millay is being practical and logical which are not words usually associated with love. In lines five and six Millay talks about how ‘’love can not fill the thickened lung with breath, nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone.’’ Not only does this provide evidence for her initial claim, it also further dwindles the universal idea that love is endlessly powerful. …show more content…

The repetition of the words rise and sink in lines three and four symbolize the rise and fall of ocean waves. She also uses imaginary in the same line and in lines two and five when she describes the ‘’roof against the rain’’ and the ‘’thickened lung’’. The poem continues into its next section being lines seven and eight. Here Millay addresses what many of us know to be true. She says that ‘’yet many a man is making friends with death even a I speak, for lack of love alone.’’ The tone of this section is questioning all people. Millay almost says how can people still be so willing to die knowing all that she stated earlier to be true. This questioning takes readers into the next section which is from line nine to line fourteen. Here Millay shifts the focus of others to herself. She opens the section by providing readers with vivid imagery. She states that ‘’pinned down by pain and moaning for release, or nagged by want past resolution’s power, I might be driven to sell your love for peace or trade the memory of this night for food.’’ She intendeds to have readers feel her imagined pain through words like moaning and pinned. This quote also reveals to readers the setting of the

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