Love is Worth Dying For.
Someone once said that love is the slowest form of suicide. This is a theme that authors use a lot in their writing. Whether it be Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: or J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter where Harry’s mom sacrificed herself to save him. Antigone by Sophocles has three characters kill their selves or chose death for reasons that relate to love. The main theme of this play is that love is worth dying for.
The first character that takes their life due to love is the main character Antigone. It started by her committing a crime that she knew that if she got caught who end in death. The crime is giving her brother a proper burial. Antigone tries to convince her sister Ismene to help her bury her brother Polyneices
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Mess the man who went with Creon to release Antigone tells another person that “…Haimon [laid] beside her, His arms about her waist, [Lamented] her, His love lost underground…”(Sopholes, A-54). Mess is saying that Haimon was heartbroken over the loss of his one love. He is so upset that he blames her death on his father”…Crying out That his father had stolen her away from him…” (Sopholes, A-54). Haimon then decides to take his own life to be with the woman he loves”… Drove it half its length Into his own side, and fell…” (Sopholes, A-54). While he was dying he went to hold his love”…H gathered Antigone close in his arms…” (Sopholes, A-54). Mess then tell the other man that Haimon finally has his bride. Haimon probably didn’t realize that his death would cause the death of someone who he also immensely loved.
The best example of a love which is worth dying for is the love a mother has for her child. Haimon death had caused great anguish to his mother. She could not bear the loss of her son. The man who told of Haimon death also tells of the queen’s death. “ She stood before the altar, and her heart Welcomed the knife her own hand guided, And a great cry burst from her lips for Megreus dead, And for Haimon dead, her sons” (Sopholes, A-57). She had lost both of her sons and couldn’t bear to live without the ones she brought into the
Yet, “[Haimon, Antigone and Eurydice] are dead, [Creon is] guilty [for] their death.” (733, 170). But once Choragos is able to convince Creon to bury Polyneices and free Antigone, because of what Teiresias’s prophecy had said. When they reach Antigone’s vault they saw, “She had made a noose of her fine linen veil// And hanged herself,” (734, 59-60). Haimon was found by her side, he was furious with his father. This brought him to, “suddenly [draw] his sword,” (735, 690) and go at his father with the intention of killing him. But Haimon, “desperate against himself, drove it half its length// Into his own side,” (735, 71-72), he had killed himself. Creon’s wife, Eurydice, could not live with herself knowing that her husband had been the reason for her son's death, so she took her own life. Creon realizes then how his arrogance caused all the issues in his
According to Burton Leiser subjects shouldn't be punished until proven guilty, claiming that criminals who committed serious crimes “deserve” punishment. Leiser states, “Only the most horrendous offense against the state who seems to deserve the ultimate penalty”. Concluding his argument without giving any justification as to what constitute as a horrendous offense deserving of the death penalty. Bedau, on the other hand, explains retribution, by using Leiser’s argument in a sentence “Some murders seem improperly punished by death at all; other murders would require methods of execution too horrible to inflict; in still other case any possible execution is too deliberate”. The implications doesn’t ask us, to disregard the death penalty, moreover
This quote relates to my thesis because this quote shows the love and feelings Antigone has. Another quote that shows Antigone’s love is a statement which states, “Go then if you must, but remember, no matter how foolish your deeds, those who love you will love you still.” This quote shows that people who love you, will continue to love you throughout good and bad moments of your
Romeo and Juliet’s excessive love and blind love are the most powerful ingredients to their self-destruction. The young lovers, Romeo and Juliet’s idolatry for each other symbolizes excessive love by them willing to go against their families and committing suicide at the
In Antigone, Sophocles introduces the struggle between loyalty to civil law versus familial loyalty and divine law, which is a central conflict in the play. Antigone has a firm belief in upholding family values and honoring the gods and deceased by burying her brother. In contrast, Creon wants to do what is best for the city which is, in his opinion, forbidding the burial of Polynices. Both Antigone and Creon believe that their point of view is more important, and neither is willing to change perspective, causing the chain of destructive events in the plot. Loyalty causes the deadly dispute between Antigone and Creon because of their conflicting perspectives about precedence.
“Twilight”, by Stephenie Meyer, and “Antigone” by Sophocles, both create a conflict of The Living vs. the Dead. The main character of “Twilight”, Bella, sacrifices her own safety for love, over and over again. Putting her life on the line, in order to be with the person she loves. Similarly in “Antigone”, main character, Antigone, sacrifices her own life so that her brother would be buried safely. Both pieces, highlighting one's willingness to sacrifice their lives for another. Although the pieces are written 2,500 years apart, people are still, and will never stop continuing to sacrifice treasures. “I'm here… I would rather die than stay away from you” (Meyer 127). Bella says as she is throwing the gift of life away for emotional satisfaction.
Awaiting her death, Antigone remained in the tomb of stone. Knowing that her plan to bury her brother and remain loyal to the gods had failed, she no longer saw a point in living. She took her veil and hanged herself. When Haimon found Antigone lifeless, he cried “out That his father had stolen her away from him” (241). Haimon was right in saying that. Creon caused Haimon great despair. Enough for him to lunge at his own father. But when he missed Creon with the sword, he instead sunk it into his side and take his own life beside his true love. The death of Haimon brought his mother, Eurydice great heartache. It was too much for her to handle. Like the rest of Creon’s relatives, she killed herself as well. The demise of Creon’s loved ones is all to blame on his arrogants. “And now it has all gone from him! Who can say That a man is still alice when his life’s joy fails?” (238) Not only has Creon destroyed the lives of his family, but he also ruined his own. He is left with nothing. Not just his family, but with his control of Thebes. Many of his citizens began to express their opinions on Antigone and her bravery, and when they were ignored by their king, he lost some respect. If only Creon had listed to the warnings of others surrounding him. If those messages were acted on, Haimon, Antigone, and Eurydice would still be alive, and Creon would be a successful and
I’ve learned over the years that my mother, sister, and I are all American Cherokee Indian. My “Greatest” great-grandmother, what i like to call her, followed the culture of Cherokee Indians. She believed in magic, spirits, and veneration of her ancestors, Although I didn’t get to speak to her much about her history and culture often, I tell how much she wanted my mother and her children to embrace and never forget where we come from. To be exact from my knowledge my ancestors move up to New York and continued their lives here. This is where my mother was born and raised. Unfortunately I’ve never met my grandmother, my mother’s mom but I’ve heard she was a heartwarming lively woman about who she was. My mother doesn’t follow right after my
Well, perhaps for the Americans it was, although they went against others words, because imperialism or colonialism was viewed negatively from an international standpoint, but they managed to take Hawaii and to keep Puerto Rico, and helping it with commonwealth. They helped Cuba out for their own independence, but managed it through its government, as well as some other Latin American countries. They also controlled the Philippines, despite the fact that they achieved their independence. Guam, and American Samoa, however is still a U.S colony today, along with Puerto Rico, and any other small islands.
In Sophocles’ Greek tragedy Antigone, war functions to emphasize the strength of love. Scenes that allude to the power of love only occur because Sophocles has set the play to be after a war. Sophocles depicts a war in which brothers spill each others blood on the battlefield. Though filial love is broken between the Eteocles and Polyneices, Antigone’s love still remains for her two brothers. War highlights the shortcomings and tenacity of love through the deaths of Eteocles and Polyneices, Antigone’s perseverance and civil disobedience in the name of love, and the suicides of Haimon and his mother Eurydice. Sophocles not only alludes to the power of love, but the way in which untamed love can
In “Antigone” by Sophocles, a famous ancient Greek tragedian, the main character, Antigone, demonstrates a prohibited action in a strict, male-dominated society. Greek civilization upheld strong values and rules that were designed to enforce orderly behavior among its people. There were state laws created by the King, Creon, and divine laws created by the Gods. Divine law was superior to the king laws, and if that rule was disrupted, eternal consequences could ruin an individual. In this society, men were mighty, powerful, and in control of the kingdom. Women were traditionally treated as an underclass with no voice or power. Women were restricted from performing any masculine jobs, holding high civilization positions, and disobeying men. Although Greek civilization had strict standards for women, Antigone challenges the law through her actions in order to satisfy the Gods because it is what she thought was the right decision.
Antigone, written by the Athenian Sophocles, is about a woman named Antigone who lives in a city named Thebes. The play’s plot is based on her attempt to successfully bury her brother Polynices whom perished in a battle with his brother that also assumed the role of
Sympathy for the Main Character in Sophocles' Antigone Sophocles' play is named after its main character, Antigone, and for
In the play Antigone, written by Sophocles, King Creon created a law that denied proper burial rites to anyone who invaded or betrayed the city of Thebes. Antigone defied this law by burying her brother, Polynices, after he was harshly accused of being a traitor. Both Creon and Antigone showed a tenacious passion toward their perception of justice, unwilling to accept that honoring the law and honoring the individual conscience were both justified in different ways. The stubbornness that they shared led them both to meet their downfalls, which conveyed the idea that being too proud to accept guidance from others ultimately leads to dire consequences.
Sophocles’ play “Antigone” illustrates the conflict between obeying human and divine law. The play opens after Oedipus’ two sons Eteocles and Polyneices have killed each other in a civil war for the throne of Thebes. Oedipus’ brother in law Creon then assumes the throne. He dictates that Eteocles shall receive a state funeral and honors, while Polyneices shall be left in the streets to rot away. Creon believes that Polyneices’ body shall be condemned to this because of his civil disobedience and treachery against the city. Polyneices’ sister, Antigone, upon hearing this exclaims that an improper burial for Polyneices would be an insult to the Gods. She vows that Polyneices’ body will be buried, and Creon declares that anyone who