
Love Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Myron and I'm here to talk about the love chapter that my teacher had assigned me. Today I'm going to talk about the love chapter, what is the love chapter, well the love chapter is a chapter talking about the gift of love how that if we don’t have love we don’t have anything. It also talks about how love is endless and great to have. The love chapter is a chapter to start to look at for reference to find out more about gods version of love. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says that love shouldn't be felt but it should be done. Paul talks about love and we can see it in our everyday lives. This completely goes against our culture that honor everyone's feelings over everything. We do what we want when we feel like it because we think …show more content…

So, if love isn't something we feel but something we do we must study it more from what God has to say about love. We need to know what love is and to see what It looks like inside of the church. In these thirteen verses, Paul Tells us about different kinds of love.1. Love is greater than any kind of spiritual gift (13:1-3). In these three verses, Paul Talks about six different kinds of spiritual gifts: speech, revelation, knowledge, belief, offering, and crucifixion. The first four gifts are listed in 12:8-10. The give of donating is mentioned in Rom 12:8. Crucifixion isn't anywhere else for spiritual gift, but since its relationship to God we can add it to the spiritual list. Paul starts off 13:1 with the gift of speech when he writes, “If I speak with the speech of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become something that is very annoying.” Some students that are researching the love chapter seem to have missed the point that Paul’s here and have interpreted him as just speaking about the fluence in human speech but clearly, he is referring to the gift of speech. All the last gifts in chapter 12 are different languages and the interpretation of …show more content…

If i give all of my stuff to the poor, and I let my body to be burned, but do not have any love, i get nothing.” Prophecy refers to the ability to speak about God’s will in a life-changing way. All knowledge is, is it's just a very deep understanding of what god has to say. Belief is just believing in whatever God says and trusting his word. These three spiritual gifts are all inside of the Holy Spirit, and yet without love the person who has them has absolutely nothing, Verse 3 is a problem because it asks us to think about activities that we usually consider being noble. Giving to the poor is obviously a good thing to do because if you can offer it than you should give it up for people who need it. Dying for Christ is the ultimate sacrifice to God. But as amazing as these things are, without love they mean nothing. Paul says that the greatest expression of our spirituality is love we communicate to god the most when we love. We can combine all of these sentences by saying "without love you are nothing, you say nothing, and you gain nothing." Clearly, we must have love when we are try to figure out or do our spiritual gifts. So, just stop for just a moment and think about what you have and your place in the church. Do you do what

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