
Love: A Fictional Narrative

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Julie, in her black stockings and new cashmere sweater dress, showed up the cafe in hopes of a great date with the mysterious Brendan. Her friend Raymond had set them up and she was excited to finally meet him. As she walked in, she immediately saw the lanky, brooding boy; he was tucked into a corner table, reading a book with a title she couldn't pronounce if she tried. Walking quickly she was almost immediately in front of him. Brendan looked up at her and was absolutely enamored with the way her auburn hair so drastically contrasted with her pale blue dress. He sat up straight and marked his page all while looking at her. "You must be Julie. I've heard lots about you." He stood and smiled at her. Julie thought it would be funny to feign ignorance and pretend she wasn't herself. "Julie?" She put on an inquisitive face. "I'm not Julie," she laughed in her head about how funny this would be to tell Raymond later. …show more content…

I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for someone else, so if you'll excuse me," He sat back down and picked his book up again, face flushed completely red. But the girl didn't leave. He really did think she was quite lovely. "I'm just pulling your leg, I actually am Julie!" She laughed out loud to notify him that she was just kidding around. Brendan let a small smile flash across his face, but only for a second. He was truly relieved that she was in fact Julie because she was exactly his type. "Well, in that case," he stood up once again and pulled out the chair for her, "I am Brendan, but you clearly already guessed

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