Lost and Gained
I was thirteen when I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The diagnosis did not come to me as a surprise; it was expected. I got my diagnosis behind my parents back. Thirteen, the legal age that I can go to the doctor’s office without a parent if I wanted. I never told them. They wouldn’t understand, they never really did. The main cause of my mental illness was not being good enough. Having an older sister who was good at everything was hard to deal with. She excelled in academics, she held leadership roles in many clubs or organizations, and she was ‘the perfect daughter.’ My parents sometimes unknowingly compared me to my older sister. I was always one step below her. I got lower grades, less medals, and struggled in the things she always excelled at. What was worse was that I grew up in a very stereotypical Asian family. Getting anything below an ‘A’ was considered failure. I was expected to be the best at everything I put my hands on. I can clearly remember in 5th grade when I handed my mom a test we had taken in class. The bright red letters on the top of the test marked ‘112%.’ It was a math pre-test we took earlier that week. I was able to get more than full points on material we had not yet learned, but I didn’t receive much of a response. I then asked why she never complimented me if I had done well. Her answer was “这是应该的,” which roughly translates to “this is expected.” As a 5th grader I just accepted this response and repeated it to
a 44 year old Divorced African Male came into Henry Ford Hospital ED as a walk-in and told the HFHS staff that he was having mental health issues he does still struggle with depression and anxiety. The consumer stated that he initially went into the hospital after his brother was shot twice in the head. At that time the client reports that he was placed on Risperdal, while at Kingswood in January, and he became a zombie at that time. He stated that he has been in and of the hospital multiple times since then, and each time, he has been placed on Risperdal and he doesn't feel that his meds were ever adjusted correctly.
My dad shot blame at me like bullets at a target. The first time I was the victim of these shots was the day he got the news from my high school that I needed to be taken to the hospital. They found out that I attempted suicide. His anger is all he could remember that day. He accused me of only doing this because I hated my culture and I never wanted to be Mexican.
Depression and anxiety are the two most common mental illnesses in the world today. They make a person view the world as an ugly, scary place. Many people develop one or the other, and some develop both. Depression and anxiety are two very different mental illnesses but many people only see the similarities between them, instead of seeing the difference in their symptoms and emotions.
College represents a form of higher learning. For many, it is also a time for personal growth as we transition into adulthood. This in itself is a stressful situation as one must make drastic adjustments to a new role, environment, and demands. Stress is a major contributor to the development of mental and emotional issues (Rodgers, L., Tennison, L. 2009). Research has been done to determine the impact of depression and anxiety on university students. It has been
There are many similarities between mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Often times, many symptoms of one disorder stem off of having the other. For example, symptoms of anxiety can be brought on by depressive thoughts, such as thoughts about suicide, and visa versa. The differences, however, are far more prominent than the ways they are the same.
The symptoms of anxiety and depression are closely related. While there are different variations of anxiety and depression there are multiple symptoms. The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include feeling wound up and on edge, concentrating can be difficult, muscle tension, sleeping issues, being fatigued, and increased irritability. Panic disorder symptoms involve immediate repeated attacks of fear, intense worries about future panic attacks, avoiding places where panic attacks happened previously. Social anxiety disorder has symptoms that involve felling self-conscious
I still felt lonely, and depressed despite the fact that I’ve been around people all day, and will be around people all day tomorrow. Anxiety overcame me as I had to ask to borrow a pencil or if I could sit with them. I felt like whenever I had to talk to a stranger, I was just being a vexatious, disturbing, pest that if they weren’t try to be polite they’d swat away. To me, all I could see were my constant screw ups. Although thousands of my peers were around me, I was lacking closeness. Nobody cared about me and I had no purpose. If I were to confide in somebody, they might tell me that I always had my family and they’d always love and care about me. Little did they know, I was going through extremely stressful times with my father. He was
Freshman year of high school I thought my life was falling apart. Looking back, I may have been a tad dramatic, but it was how I felt nonetheless. No friends, no self regard, and I was nearly failing all of my classes. See, through the media and various ignorant peers, I had been taught that speaking about mental illness was practically forbidden. Dare I mention such a topic aloud, and it would be met with confused, yet slightly concerned glances, and undoubtedly, at least thirty seconds of uncomfortable silence. Being the shy, assuming person that I was, of course I immediately accepted this as fact, and refused to speak to anyone about my mental state. This, of was the root lapse of my inevitable downfall.
“Everyone is anxious. It is something we all deal with.” That statement is not true. How can one know whether or not it is true? Look at the lives of fellow humans and get to know them, and maybe you would believe still that all struggle with anxiety. However, when spending just a few days or maybe weeks with a Christian, one can know definitively that it is not the case that all people struggle with anxiety. In studying the lives of Christians, the fact is clear that the vast majority of them are truly fearless with it comes to the future. They care not what the morrow brings; in fact, they care not if the morrow even comes! They are facing persecution that the world has never seen before. They are facing persecution that is truly unknown
The inability of people to control their emotions has been the onset of enough tragedy to put Shakesphere 's works to shame. Many times it is wilful lack of restraint that leads to these misforunes, however, there are cases where people have their entire lives ruined by their own hand without the ability to control the feelings that arise and give way to their detrimental impulses. These people suffer from bipolar disorder which is an affliction of the mind that causes the emotions of a person to fluctuate rapidly and more vigorously than normal people. The variation in feelings is brought about by changes in the psyche incited by episodes of elevated moods and periods of depression. The exalted disposition is known as mania or hypomania depending on the severity. During this phase, the victim may feel and/or act abnormally cheerful, sprightly, or contentious. Decisions that are poorly thought out are a common occurence from people suffering in this state of the sickness, and little concern is given to the consequences of their actions. On the other hand, people in the depressive stage develop an excessively morose attitude that can bring about self-loathing, apathy, self-injury, and other injurius feelings. The risk of self-injury and even suicide are quite high with suicide occuring in over 6% of people with the disorder and self harm occuring in 30-40%. The effects of either aspect of the disorder are enough to impair the quality of a person 's life, but in
Depression usually exists in a person when he/she gets stressed out of his/her work. This happens due to the brain activity stoppage while working and a need for a complete relaxation of the brain for some time arises. Anxiety Depression is found in a person who has all sorts of irregularities and erratic behavior due to over stress of his work. If one is suffering from anxiety depression, he needs to go and meet the psychiatrist as soon as he can, otherwise he would be the one to suffer the most. Anxiety depression exists in various forms like: 1 - Postpartum depression - Explained by a prolonged sorrow and a sentiment of emptiness by a new mother. The causes include bodily stress during child birth and an unsure sense of liability towards the new born child. These are just some of the possible factors why some new mothers go through this. 2 - Dysthimia - Another form of anxiety depression, although this time, it 's been proven to be a lot less relentless, but of course in any case, should be treated right away. 3 - Manic or Bipolar depression -Explained by abrupt changes in one 's mood where in one minute he or she is in an elevated state of joy while the next minute (day or week) he or she is in a mood to be in a private hell. 4 - Cyclothymia - Explained by a slight resemblance with Agitated or Bipolar depression wherein the individual is in soreness from this mental infirmity and may occasionally experience severe changes in the moods. 5 - Seasonal Affective
William has reported feeling stressed, worried, and depressed. William also has feelings of hopelessness about his future, and worries that things won’t change or get any better. William has persistent headaches, presents as anxious, and has been experiencing insomnia.
Doubt. Worry. Anxiety. Tears. Most of my high school career revolved around these feelings. Feelings of emptiness. Feelings of hopelessness. Often, feelings are inaccurate; they are just lies that we believe about ourselves. Many feelings that we feel are not the truth that God tells us; they are simply lies Satan wants us to believe. God tells us that He is always with us. He loves us. He has the best plan for us. However, remembering these truths, in the midst of such struggles, is hard.
Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are common in people who are unhappy. There are also some most irritating, annoying and depress feelings that repress individual’s skill. Cognitive theory of depression research has shown that people with depression are struggling with the feelings of hopelessness instead of people who have no depression (Sacco and Beck, 1995). A sense of hopelessness reflects a negative view of the outlook. This includes failure, and a persistence of pain and difficulty, and expectations of personal pleasure, a belief that nothing will get better. Thoughts of negative self also reflect by hopelessness. Depressed individuals view themselves more unresponsively, their self-esteem suffers, and they have little or no self-confidence. They do not believe they have any control or that they can help themselves to feel better. They may have an urge to give up and think, "What’s the use?" Research has also indicated that severe hopelessness may be a forecaster of suicide (Beck, 1987; Fawcett, 1990)
On Wednesday, October 25th I had the opportunity to learn about anxiety and depression. I feel that the class was able to take a lot away from that day because we got to see the emotional side of some peers who deal with this. Seeing it up close and right in front of you makes it so much more real. It is no longer something you’ve just heard of. Now it is clear that this is real life and it is a real struggle for many people. Having peers speak up also showed how common anxiety and depression are.