
Loss In Hamlet

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RAFT Assignment
Hamlet finds out that Claudius murders his father and this has a huge impact on Hamlet and it negatively affects him. Hamlet is ready to do anything to get Claudius killed. Moreover, this affects Hamlet so greatly that he is not able to forget about his father, even after Gertrude said to, “But I have that within which passeth show,/These but the trappings and the suits of woe” (I.ii.85-86). Later, Hamlet makes an awful decision, which affects the country of Denmark.

An individual needs to be mindful of their actions and how their action affects other individuals. Hamlet wants to kill Claudius for revenge and this ambition leads him to accidently killing Polonius instead of Hamlet, “How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead!” …show more content…

I chose to do this because I think it conveys Hamlet’s wrong intentions the best. I am able to explain how Hamlet indulges in a horrible idea that affects others, as well as him. There are many individuals in our society today that commit wrongful acts and individuals don’t think about the consequences. It is very important to address this issue as it can lead to many health issues in the future, including depression. Furthermore, I chose the topic as loss because what Hamlet did leads to the loss of innocent lives such as, Polonius and Ophelia. Although, Hamlet did not want that to occur, it is a result of his actions. Not only that but, I chose a write a report of the potential causes and effects of an event from the play because it shows that actions affect other individuals greatly. Just by reading the play you may not think about what the affects or causes of an action are but in the written report it is clearly evident. As a medical professional, I was able to address certain things that others may not have thought about. In this society, there are numerous individuals who need to be aware of this and it is important to inform professionals so they can also convey the message to

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