
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

Decent Essays

Today I will discussing and evaluating the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry. A Raisin in the Sun is a play that originated from the admiration and consideration of a poem. The overall plot is acted in order to express a single question. “What happens when a dream is deferred?” Throughout the play we travel along a journey with characters that are each trying to follow a personal dream. After the death of a family's father, they are given insurance money equivalent to $80,000, that has each character riled up about what the future for them will become.
When looking at the major dramatic question, it seems to shift as the play progresses. We started the play believing that the question was, will Walter get the money. However, …show more content…

The names that are the most significant in driving the play are; Ruth, Walter, Beneatha, Lena (mama), and Karl. Lena’s role in the play is solely devoted to being the one which holds the key to each character's dream: the money. All she wants is to nurture her family, assist in their growth. However, in the early stages of the play she was an antagonist. She was keeping Walter from his dream of investing the money in a liquor store. When observing Walter’s role, his greedy ways and deceiving tactics eventually got Lena to give him a large portion of the money. But, Walter paid no attention to the strict orders regarding what to do with the money, and threw it all into the hands of a friend of his. The money was gone before he knew it, and all the work of his father was flushed down the drain. With Walter’s decisions, he ignited a new conflict, one that directly affected his dreams and a dream of Beneatha's. Throughout the entire play, Walter’s wife, Ruth, is doing her best to induce stability in her family. So when she becomes pregnant, and the idea of a new baby enters the mind of the rest of the family, chaos is let loose. With a small house and little room to bring another life into the world, Ruth becomes devastated. Now when looking at Beneatha, she does nothing to help the problem. As the story progresses she uses her sassy tone to go against

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