
Lorenzo's Oil Ethical Theory

Good Essays

Lorenzo’s Oil Relative to Ethic Theories Director George Miller is a great story teller of the real life story Of Lorenzo Odone. Lorenzo’s is a little boy that at a very young age is diagnosis with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Parents Augusto and Michaela Odone, devastated as any parents would decide right then they would take action. They started to research in addition to seeking out the best doctors they could find that had knowledge of this rare disease that their son inherited. Their quest was stressful waiting on month blood work results, scary knowing there is no cure for this disease, hopefully that their son will get better. With help of family as well as friends they got through many struggles financially, personally in their marriage and over all the fight for their son Lorenzo’s.
Ethical Theories Augusto and Michaela are prime examples of the teleological (outcome) theory which they “decide that what is right also maximizes some good. The right thing to do, then, is the good thing to do” (Edge & Groves, 2006). Lorenzo’s parents were set on trying to help their son in any way they could even though they knew that this was an inherited disease that had no cure and believe to have a rapid ending to young children lives. However, the Odone never gave up whether it was searching for specialist as well as signing Lorenzo up for a …show more content…

The parents work through it together the best that they could. The effects of having a child was an illness is very finically draining as well which lead the Odone’s to get a second mortgage. The parents became obsess with researching the enzymes, blood level, and fats. Michaela become focused on Lorenzo and his needs that she didn’t stand for any abuse or neglect from any of the nurses in any way which lead to going thru many nurses in the early years. The executed themselves from family which is when aunt Deirdre step in and pointed that out the

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