
Lorenzo's Argumentative Essay

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It constantly astounds people how far a life can go in a matter of time. This staggers Lorenzo, who is a billionaire. He has the latest and greatest in technology, cars, and clothes. But, life wasn’t always so great for Lorenzo. In fact, life was terrible for Lorenzo as a child, and even as a young adult. Living in Nevada, Lorenzo, born as an only child, had a mother who was single, and drunk. As an only child, he got no attention because of his mother’s drinking problem. His mother did not allow Lorenzo to leave the house other than for school, claiming she was “too busy” to take him anywhere. But, in reality, she was just too drunk to. Having enough of not being paid attention to, Lorenzo moved out of his home when he was seventeen, without telling his mother. He moved out of his home to go live in his car. And this was no fancy or nice car either, being a rusty beige 1986 740 GLE wagon that had quite a stench of cigarettes from the previous owner. So how then, did a teenager living in a car become a 35-year-old billionaire? …show more content…

He birthed from a mother who rather take shots of alcohol then take care of him. She had a very large drinking problem. So as a child, Lorenzo, always surrounded by alcohol and a drunk mother, always felt neglected. His father was not even in the picture as the actual father of Lorenzo is unknown. Things got worse for Lorenzo. After seeing his mother drunk and being paid no attention to, she used heroin. This made life tough for him. “I never met my mother,” Lorenzo said. “I always remember her being jacked up on alcohol or drugs and never alert enough to notice me.” Imagine how heartbreaking this must be for a child; to not have a father, and to have a mother who cares about where she will get high from next over her own

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