
Lord Of The Flies Dbq

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In Lord of the flies two characters were killed by the names of simon and piggy. In Lost, Edward Mars mars is killed. In both of these stories there was a plane crash on an uncharted island where these characters survived, but were later on killed. In LOTF, Simon and Piggy were killed later on. In lost marshall Edward was killed early on. According to document A the definition of murder is “ the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law.”

Simon’s death was an accident. The boys started chanting in a circle about killing the beast while simon had found the truth about the beast. Simon was tired and came out of the woods crawling. The boys mistaked him for the beast and killed him. This can be considered murder, “That was murder.” ,Ralph said. It can also be voluntary or involuntary manslaughter. Their intent wasn't to kill him. The didn’t do it out of hate or plan it out. It was an accident and it could be considered manslaughter. Document D describes what all went on during Simon’s death. It talks about how they gathered in a circle and started to chant about killing the beast and doing a dance. Then they mistook simon for the beast. Later on piggy gets the blame …show more content…

Ralph had nothing to do with it. Jack had stolen piggies glasses and piggy was tired of it he was going to fight back. When piggy goes to fight back, Jack and his tribe of savages murder him by levering a boulder and dropping it on piggy and the conch. Piggy the fell 40 feet and his head busted open. This was murder according to document A. They did this through hatred, planned it out, and had thought about doing it before they did it. Document F describes the details of the murder. It proves that it was intent when jack takes his glasses and when they purposely dropped the boulder on him. This is plain out murder and they would all be sentenced with 1st degree murder in a court of law and may be put in a mental

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