
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis Essay

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Lyddie changed a lot from the begging of the book to the end of the book. She shows manny ways of change during the book. During the beginning of the book Lyddie showed that she was brave. The text shows that she is brave by saying “Lyddie glared straight into the bears eyers, daring him to step forward into the cabin.”(Pg. 2). Lyddie shows that she is brave because she doesn't scream in fear or seem to get scared when the bear comes in, and was able to look right into the bears eyes. Another way the text shows that she is brave by saying “But they agreed it would be better for her to tend the cow and horse and protect the house from the wild critters.”(Pg. 6). This shows bravery because Lyddie had to live alone for a few weeks and didn't have anybody to help her with the farm. Another example for bravery is when the text says “But why would she run? It was her house, after all , what was one mesly man, black or white, compared to a bea,” (Pg. 39). Lyddie shows bravery by not running away when she …show more content…

She changes because she is now getting smarter than she was at first. The text shows that she is smart by saying “She checked her spelling in Oliver. The grammar as well.” (Pg 96). Lyddie was able to spell and understand words and made sure everything was correct. The text also shows that Lyddie is smart by saying “She only had two looms to tend instead of the four she’d tended during the summer.” (Pg 89). Lyddie was able to learn how to use the machines and was able to work for during the summer. Another example of Lyddie being smart is by the text saying “Do you have a book that-that tells the meaning of words?” (Pg 171). Lyddie wanted to find out what the word turpitude meant so she went to the book store and bought a dictionary to find out the meaning, and she did. Lyddie got a lot smarter at the end of the book form when she was still at home during the begging of the

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