
Lord Of The Flies Chapter 11 Thesis

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When we form a civilization and misuse its recourses we can end up destroying a society. This can be shown when Jack had stated to not only Ralph but the littluns (younger children) as well that he and his hunters would protect them and kill the beast. Since Jack had said that, the littluns felt that they could actually trust Jack and his group of hunters and became more vulnerable to them as time on the island passed by. During one part of the novel one of the littluns had awoken from a nightmare and started explaining to Ralph and Piggy about his nightmare and how the Beast had made a horrible appearance in it. These nightmares that not only him but most of the other littluns on the island had experienced were one of the things driving their fears about the beast. …show more content…

76. After Jack had said that the littluns who did have faith and trusted Jack and his hunters felt almost betrayed by the things that Jack had told them specifically. This correlates on how the British invaded India in the late 1800’s. The British invaded India to steal all of the raw materials that were already there for their own benefit. The British would steal the raw materials, make something out of them like a gun only to try to sell it back to the Indians. The Indians were deeply angered by the actions that the British made against them. The British were not only stealing all of the Indians’ resources but the they were also threatening the Indians’ culture for not buying the things they were producing from the stolen resources. After the British stealing their resources became a norm, the British had fully taken over India. As time passed by and the British were still using their country as a mining field the Indians began to rebel against their rule. Some of the Indian’s began demanding a greater role in governing themselves but that was really tedious with the British having total control of not only their recourses but them too. In this novel’s case, the littluns would play the

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