
Look Like Me Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Further support the above paragraph, when we are young, we are told what we should look like when we reach adulthood. Take Family Guy, don’t be like Meg!! Is whatever one says. The Media portrays Meg as a loser, an outcast, fat, and no one cares about her. The key quote, “Shut up, Meg.” Girls in high school pray not to turn out like Meg, but they all want like Connie, the poplar one. Media shows our children how to look. Pick up any back to school article, you will see skinny cool children, never any who are fat, who have disabilities, or social outcasts. They all are hip, cool, buy these jeans you be cool. Wear this, so you can fit in. If one doesn’t bow to these school yard clothes, they are label a loser.

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