
Longest Monotheistic Religion Essay

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What is the oldest monotheistic religion?
But what happened to this once prosperous super power?
Who are these people, and what was their significance?
How did one person, kick start monotheism as a whole?

About 5000 years ago, around 3000 BCE, a group of people called the Proto Indo-Iranians lived on the South Russian Steppes to the east of the river Volga. The Proto Indo-Iranians believed in a primitive concept of order. They knew that order existed in the universe because night followed day, the moon shone and faded and each year the seasons followed each other. They believed that divinities or gods called Asuras. The Proto Indo-Iranians worshiped instinctively and often, through fear. When they saw lightning and heard thunder, they thought that the gods were …show more content…

It was founded by a curious Prophet, and soon became the official religion of Persia (Iran) from 600 BCE to 650 CE. For 1000 years it was one of the most powerful religions in the world.
Currently, it is one of the smallest religions in the world. In 2006 the New York Times reported that there were less than one hundred and ninety thousand followers worldwide.
And Zoroastrianism was formed.
Zoroastrianism inspired Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with its teachings of a single God, a dualistic universe of good versus evil, and a final day of reckoning.
The Zoroastrians helped free the Israelites from the Babylonian Exile, and supported the construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Zoroastrian clergymen are also thought by many scholars, as the wise men who were at the birth of Christ.

To the Zoroastrians, there is one God called ‘Ahura Mazda’, or ‘Wise Lord’.
The Zoroastrianism people are wrongfully thought to be fire worshipers. They believe that fire represents God’s light and wisdom, and that all of the elements are pure.
Ahura Mazda revealed the truth the Prophet Zoroaster, which started it

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