
Long-Term Psychological Effects Of Bullying

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Some reasons why children might bully someone include, thinking it might be fun or that it makes them feel popular or cool. They might feel insecure or they might have a lack of confidence or are trying to fit in with a group. In 2004 a study of bullying behaviors in 5,749 boys and girls, showed that overweight and obese school-aged children were more likely to be the victims and offenders of bullying behaviors than their normal-weight peers. Stereotypically, both male and female children report bullies making fun of the way they look, dress or talk. (Espelage, Dorothy L., and Susan M. Swearer. 2004.) However, males are more likely to report being physically harmed through punching or kicking, whereas girls are more likely to be left out, …show more content…

Anorexia is considered a form of self-harm as it is a self-inflicted disorder which can severely affect both your mental and physical health. The symptoms of anorexia include an intense fear of gaining weight, a refusal to maintain a healthy weight and a distorted body image. (Smith, Melinda. 2016.) These symptoms can develop from the low self-esteem bullying incurs. The physical effects of anorexia are more evident as short-term psychological effects of bullying. Long-term psychological effects are also evident in those with anorexia nervosa. If the disorder remains untreated these individuals are at greater risk of developing body dysmorphic disorder due to the distorted body image. (Smith, Melinda. Feb. 2016.) One out of five suffering from anorexia loses their life to suicide. An example to this is in 2009 a mother filed a lawsuit against the Pittsburgh Public Schools, claiming her daughter developed anorexia because other students bullied her, about her weight and the schools didn’t do anything about it. Causing her daughter to become very ill. (Mandak, Joe. 2009) Another disease caused from bullying is bulimia

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