
Loneliness In The Catcher In The Rye

Decent Essays

There are many themes that associate with the book The Catcher In The Rye. The theme loneliness is one of the main themes developed throughout the book. Although Holden voluntarily withdraws from society, his self inflicted solitude is what is causing him to be lonely throughout the book. Holden’s loneliness is shown at school, society, and through his family and friends. The author does a great job of making it obvious how lonely and isolated Holden is throughout the book. First, the theme loneliness is shown throughout the time Holden is at his school Pencey in the beginning of the book. One of the first scenes of the book is when Pencey is having a football game and Holden says, “practically the whole school except me was there” (Salinger 3). Right away the reader can see that Holden is isolated from people. As explained by …show more content…

In the middle of the book Holden mainly thinks about other people and never really himself. Holden says to the reader, “I damn near gave my kid sister Phoebe a buzz, though. I certainly felt like talking to her on the phone” (Salinger 66). Many times when Holden feels alone he tries to call his sister. Another example would be when Holden decided he wanted to try and call an old friend of his really late at night. Holden says to the reader, “I thought of calling this girl I used to go around with quite frequently” (Salinger 59). This shows that even though it was late he would call an old friend just so he would feel less isolated even though it would be weird. Toward the end of the book Holden snuck into his house just to talk to his sister. He didn’t want to get caught by his parents because they don’t know he was kicked out of his school yet. Holden felt so lonely that he took the chance of getting caught just to talk to his sister.The theme of loneliness is shown through the interactions Holden has with his family and

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