
London Olympic Controversy

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According to Giulianotti, et al (2015), Olympic Games are among world’s largest sports event held every four years in the different country. The UK has hosted Olympics for a total of three times; firstly, in Athens, and in 2012, London has hosted the global event within its premise. There are myths that hosting global events are beneficial for countries in all aspects like economic, financial, social, business and others. In accordance with the report of Thiel & Grabher (2015), it is true that hosting global events such as Olympics are beneficial for the country, it attract tourists and investors towards the host country, however, when to look at reports and new articles, the decision of hosting Olympics in London was controversial since its …show more content…

Initially, for such big event, it was important for the authorities to focus on the issue of clearance of settlements, firms and sporting activities. According to reports of Butler (2015), Clays Lane Peabody Estate was evacuated for the occasion with the extricating of four hundred and forty-five residents, and two Gypsy and Traveller destinations, the clearance process along include more than two hundred and nine Lower Lea Valley organisations that resulted in the loss of almost five thousand employees working in the particular region and the Manor Gardens Society Allotments. Giulianotti, et al (2015) argues that many people have only focused on negative aspects of Olympic games in London, apart from the homelessness and joblessness of people, thousands of people were living in the London were involved in different contracts of construction, designing, building and others. So that the ratio of profit and loss were equal for people as well as for people while hosting Olympic Games in …show more content…

Jennings (2012) quoted that many business organisations and public organisation had contributed funds for the Olympic Games. Such as, the National Lottery funds of the UK have contributed about £2.2 billion to complete the construction process of Olympic Games venue. The initially determined budget for the overall event was about £2.4 billion, however, the final operating cost of the overall Olympic Games event was increased from £2.4 billion to £9.3

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