“Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother 40 whacks”, but did she actually do it. On August 4, 1892 Andrew Borden and Abby Borden were brutally murder. Most people think that Lizzie Borden was the murder, but I don’t think she murdered them. There are many clues that prove her innocent. Lizzie Borden was innocent and another person killed her parents. Lizzie Borden deeply cared about her father, there was no physical evidence, and other people didn’t like her father. LIzzie Borden would never kill her parents, but other people would.
One reason that Lizzie Borden is innocent is that she deeply cared about her father. Lizzie grieved when her father died. According to source #2 it states, “There was a tremendous outpouring of grief in the letters.” This shows that Lizzie grieved when her father died. She wouldn’t grief if
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There was not enough evidence to make her guilty. According to source #1 is states that, “There was no physical evidence linking her to the murders.” There was no evidence that pointed to Lizzie, like there was no blood on her dress. Also, there was no murder weapon found in the house. There was no physical evidence that makes Lizzie the murder. The last reason Lizzie is innocent is that Andrew made many enemies that could’ve killed him. Both Andrew and Abby Borden made some enemies in their life. People said Lizzie didn’t like her stepmother, but maybe someone else didn’t like her. According to source #1 it says that, “The dour businessman had also made many enemies on his rise on the top, and rumors swirled that Andrew and Abby had perhaps been killed as revenge for Andrew’s shady business dealings.” This shows that other people could of killed Abby and Andrew. They made multiple enemies, so one of them could’ve tried to kill them. Andrew was also one of the most unpopular men in town. There could’ve been multiple people that killed Andrew and Abby besides
“Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.” The grisly murders of Andrew and Abby Durfee Gray Borden remain to be one of the most sensational double murders in American history, rivaling even the likes of the O.J. Simpson trials. The “Lizzie Borden took an axe” rhyme is supposed to chronicle the macabre accounts of the murders. However, the rhyme possesses several historical inaccuracies. Lizzie’s “mother” in this rhyme was actually Lizzie’s stepmother and was “only” struck nineteen times with a hatchet not with an axe. Lizzie’s father, Andrew, received about ten blows to the head ( ). Though the children's rhyme is not quite historically accurate the
Another argument you might use to disprove that it was Abigail fault, would be to blame the courts, their misunderstanding, and their willingness to accept the false statements of Abigail and the girls.The courts had a big part in these trials, and it is evident that they did not consider the distant possibility that the young girls were lying to get out of the whole. As for Elizabeth Proctor’s encounters with Abigail to hate Elizabeth for standing in her way to do things. The truth was Elizabeth and Abigail which was John’s third wife barely knew each other.
“Was Lizzie Borden Really Innocent” The number of kids that kill their parents is unbelievable. They usually have a motive. Lizzie Borden didn’t.
Lizzie’s behavior was suspicious when she was talking about her parents to the police. The author notes that “Lizzie tried purchasing poison, Prussic Acid”. Lizzie was found burning one of her dresses three days later. She said she was burning it cause it was all stained up. She yelled that someone came in and murdered her parents. How would Lizzie know if someone came in unless she seen that person or if she did it. She was also suspicious because she said all that, but there was no signs of breaking or entering into the house found out by the police. The night before the murder witnesses say that Lizzie went to a friend’s house, and she said that she thought someone was going to kill her parents. This is evidence of how she could have killed
In source two, it says that in Booth’s diary it mentioned a plot to kidnap the president. This shows Mary had no knowledge about the plan to kill the president. She may have known about the kidnapping, but not the murder plot. Mary should have not been executed for not knowing about the plan to kill the president. Also, she should have not been executed for the kidnapping plan that did not take place. Source three states that Mary’s son may have been in on the kidnapping plot, however he was not in town. This shows that Mary had less connection to the crime. Which helps prove that she was innocent. If her son wasn’t in town, she probably didn’t know about the
Lizzie was said to be seen burning a dress after the murders because she claimed,”The dress was stained with paint”. Biography.com elaborated more on this saying, “During the week between the murders and her arrest, Lizzie burned a dress that she claimed was stained with paint. Prosecutors would later allege that the dress was stained with blood, and that Lizzie had burned the dress in order to cover up her crime”(Biography). Lizzie likely burned the dress because it was the dress she used when murdering her father and step-mother which could have been covered in blood and it would have linked her to the murders. Lizzie attempted to buy poison a day or so before the murders were committed, which was most likely meant for her father and step mother. Encyclopedia.com said on their article about this case, “A few days before the murders, Lizzie bought prussic acid, a poison, saying she needed to kill rats”(Lizzie). Lizzie attempted to buy poison because she most likely wanted to have them die in a less suspicious manner, but she was not successful in buying it ,so she took it into her own hands. Since she tried to buy poison, it shows she had a motive before the murders were committed to kill her parents with
¨Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks after she saw what she had done she gave her father forty one.¨ The issue here is that Lizzie Borden was guilty and justice was not done in court. Lizzie should have been locked up and charged for both murders that she was accused of doing. Lizzie Borden is guilty and should be charged with both murders.
The double murder of Andrew and Abby Borden still remains unsolved. The police could have done a better job investigating and the evidence showing Lizzie being linked should have been enough to charge her but this is a period of time when forensics was at its infancy and if there was no weapon there was no crime. The money involved could have brought rise to Lizzie to plot the death for inheritance. We will never
I am confident that the evidence I present shall show you that Abigail Williams is in fact guilty of all charges brought against her. Abigail Williams committed this crime during the spring of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. Please take note that the Salem witchcraft trials were also taking place during this time. As a child, Abigail Williams suffered a great deal of tragedy with the killing of her parents.
It is best described by the closing arguments for Lizzie Borden's defense, made by her attorney, George D. Robinson:
In The Crucible there are many that are accused or those who make accusations. Abigail is the number one character that uses scapegoating. She is smart, manipulative, and selfish. She does many things and yet isn’t ever caught or accused for the things she done. When the girls were caught in the forest dancing she made sure that the girls were not going to talk. “Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you.” (Act 1, Lines 355-359). She made sure there was a fake story for all the girls to follow because she didn't want a blush in her name. From the beginning of the accusations abigail had someone to blame. She accused Tituba of making the girls dance in the wood and drink blood. “I never called him! Tituba, Tituba…”(Act 1, Line 880). She also blamed Elizabeth of witchery. She began to say that Elizabeth’s spirit came and stabbed her in the stomach. With all accusations abigail
Abigail Williams did many things in the town of Salem Massachusetts. Most of these acts were based on lies, and deception. Abigail lied to the court, was involved in an affair, and basically murdered innocent people in the town. She could have been arrested, or even hanged if anyone found out about these crimes. The only reason she wasn’t accused was because people were afraid of her. First let’s talk about why people were afraid of her.
On August 4th, 1892 in Fall River, Massachusetts one of the most influential crimes in history was committed. Lizzie Borden allegedly killed her father and step mother by hacking them to death with a hatchet. It is confirmed she murdered her step mother Abby first. While Abby was changing the sheets in the upstairs bedroom Lizzie is alleged to have come into the room with Abby, Abby looked up seen her then proceeded to continue what she was doing. Lizzie then took the hatchet out from behind her back and hit Abby once in the back with the hatchet then after Abby fell to the ground, and continued to hit her till she couldn’t hit her anymore. She then moved on to the living room down stairs where her father Andrew Borden was napping on the couch after running some errands in town. According to court records Lizzie came up struck her father repeatedly in the head and chest
Abigail is the most culpable for the events in The Crucible because if she was not out to get Elizabeth, this would not have happened. When the girls were first with Tituba, they were doing innocent love spells and dancing in the forest. It did not
Have you ever been so angry you thought about killing your parents with an axe? Well many people think Lizzie Borden did this exact thing. Lizzie Borden was accused of murdering her step mother and father with a hatchet on August 4, 1892. While on trial, the jury found her innocent, but many other people think her to be guilty. I think that Lizzie Borden is innocent of the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden because she loved her father, didn’t have a problem with her stepmother, and there was no physical evidence found at the crime scene. Lizzie Borden was found innocent by law, so why should it be questioned?