
Little Rock Nine Book Report

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The Light with In Us The little rock Nine have sparked a fire with me that I will never forget. I want to start off by saying thank you Ms. Landdeck of making mas a person read this book I loved it an I will never forget it. The Book Warriors Don’t Cry hit a nerve for me I must believe that this book was not fiction because of the little details she putting the book. Melba Pattillo Beals did such a great job writing this and I am glad she took her journal and decide to write about it. There are so many African Americans that I go to school with now including myself that take the right to go to school for granted. I take it for granted because it was something I never had to fight for. IN the book the fact that she put her name …show more content…

Th was also help form their white kids one Link who help Melba in her school year when she almost got killed waiting on the wrong side of the school in winter. Link was a light for Melba and helped her to see not all white people were after just most of the segregationist. There were also light hearted moments when the Arkansas solders were sent to guard the Little Rock Nine and kept on falling over each other to see which of them would follow the children. Link the person who helped Melba on several occasions stood out to me as a light in this book. I even started to fell hatred for white people until I remembered not all of them were like that just the ones that Melba was surrounded by. The light with in Link helped me notice that we all need people in are life when we are down and feel like we can no longer carry on. Link had a nanny that was black and that created a soft spot for him because he loved that women. The part of the book where Melba meets links nanny an old lady named Nana Healey and feels what Link feel for the lady. I then understood what equality meant. The fact the people from two completely different house wholes and being unified with the one woman helped me realize that equality in more that just schools. The fact that black people were treated just as animals and not as humans with lives and children scared me. I was not surprised by

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