
Little Frank And His Carp Rhetorical Analysis

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Little Frank and his Carp: A Gallery Talk 1989 is a video in where artist Andrea Fraser tours through the atrium of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao as a visitor listening to an audio guide. The opening shot show us waiting in line to receive the audio guide device when ,Dressed in a green dress, Fraser, walks into the lobby, speaks to the museum staff and receives her audio device, and begins her guide through the museum. Using conventional elements of a gallery tour, the narrator of the audio tour offers his thoughts on the building’s aesthetics with intimate description. Fraser employs comical parody to stereotypical mannerisms one comes to expect from a visitor of a museum in her performance, applying in-depth and embellished praise to the items she comes across. Often there is a weird disconnection between Fraser reaction and the atrium description. Throughout the tour, Fraser’s reaction repeatedly brings up questions of appropriateness, self-worth, and impulses that artworks, museums and gallery should …show more content…

The sexuality of Fraser’s performance in Little Frank and His Carp could be an ironic response to the erotic language used to describe the Guggenheim the audio tour talks about ‘powerfully sensual’ curves as well, the desires to possess or hold it. Fraser has criticized the ‘image control’ of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, which is why the use of a hidden was necessary, the use of copyright law to prevent unauthorized reproductions of Gehry’s work. Fraser wrote, ‘Together, the security, corporate hospitality culture, and shine make the lobby feel like a cross between a business hotel and an airport – all that’s lacking are trolleys with piles of luggage’ (Fraser 2007,

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