
Literature Review On Child Aggression

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S. Lee, J. Manganello, J. Rice, C. Taylor (2010) preformed a study to understand childhood aggression. The journal article of Mothers’ Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children’s Aggressive Behavior starts by saying that they are not the first to perform this research and many of studies have displayed connection between corporal punishment with children and child aggression. They are testing their research with new controlling factors, which have not been controlled together before. (Lee et al., 2010) The main goal of the article is to determine the association between the use of corporal punishment against 3-year-old children and recognize later aggressive behavior among those children.
Taylor et al wanted to learn the relationship between of CP on 3-year-old and the outcome of being more aggressive at the age of 5. They hypothesized that if they linked other significant maternal parenting risk factors and demographic features that the aggressiveness increase. (Lee et al., 2010)
This observational study has integrated more than one study design, which includes longitudinal, cross-sectional, survey, retrospective. The longitudinal design has been displayed because it collects data about children over a long period of time. It was utilized in this study by starting from mothers spanking their child at the age of 3 and observing those children’s behavior at the age of 5. Cross-sectional is exhibited because it investigates and compare the different

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