
Literary Analysis On The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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When someone leaves the world mentally and they begin to create their own world, their mind starts to deteriorate and they become very detached from reality. “The Fall of the House of Usher” was written in 1839 by a well known author of gothic literature, Edgar Allan Poe. This story begins with a man, who is not named, who receives a letter from a friend of his, Roderick Usher, that he is ill and wants the narrator to come to the house. When the narrator arrives, he begins to learn a lot of strange situations and incidences about the family and the house. In “The Fall of the House of Usher” the house represents the collapsing of the family because the house is falling apart it seems the family is too.

The House of Usher is a very mysterious …show more content…

In order to do so he had wanted to bury her under the house in a vault. He wanted to keep Madeline in the house because they were very close and the burial site is a far distance from the house. Also she is all he had left of his family, therefore he didn’t want to let go. If his sister leaves the family mansion for good, that would most likely cause Roderick to lose what little touch of reality he has completely. The look of Usher was astonishing to the narrator, he is pale and looks like his eyes are full of nothing, they are just very empty and lifeless. Roderick knew that he was losing himself mentally day by day, he even said “I shall perish” said he (Poe 299). The keeping of his sister while she was still alive in a vault shows that he isn’t mentally …show more content…

She had suffered from this illness for so long, it had been very severe and had suffered greatly from the effects of the illness. Madeline is cataleptic which causes her to have seizures. These seizures cause her to lose consciousness and feeling in her body. Her body had been slowly wasting away from this illness. The falling apart of her body had taken a toll on Roderick as well because after all, they were twins. They were very close and they were the last of the Usher family to be alive and in the house so when one began to fall apart the other followed. Usher had buried his own sister underneath the house, alive. She had become more depressed and terrified while in the vault.

For as long as the narrator had stayed at the Usher house he had began to fall to the illness that “lingered” around the house. While reading with Usher, the sounds that occurred within the novel seemed to happen within the house, or so the narrator and the readers thought. The narrator had started to feel like he was becoming crazy himself. But in reality, the sounds that he was hearing was Madeline in the basement still alive trying to get the attention from someone

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