
Tan Two Kinds

Decent Essays

The American dream is what every immigrant strives to do as soon as they step foot in the land of opportunities. This was the case for the mother in “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan. The mother had an American dream expectation for her daughter to be prodigy girl who endowed at a young age exceptional qualities and abilities but her daughter did not share the same American dream as her mother. The post modern pice of literature is set after WWII . During this time it was all about individualism. The short story is a representation of many immigrant parents ans their children. Throughout the story Amy uses the characters, setting, point of view, plot and symbolism to showcase this scenario.
The setting of the story is in Sacramento, California in …show more content…

As a first generation American from Chinese immigrants they share a different idea of the American dream. The mother thinks being a prodigy person with hard work will lead her to a better life because she had a rough childhood and life in china. On the other hand, the daughter believes she has the freedom to do whatever she wants and that her parents should accept her with the qualities she has already.
Throughout the plot there are symbolism which show a representation of the mothers wants and not the daughters. The mother buying the piano is a symbolism of the mothers aspires and not her daughters because she trades her cleaning services with Mr.Chong in exchange for piano lessons. If this was her daughters aspires she would be the one working towards having piano lessons. Another symbolism is the title itself, according to the mother there are two kinds of daughters ; there is a daughter who is obedient and one who follows there own mind, but to her mother she will only accept an obedient daughter. Therefore, she wants her daughter to obey her which results in her doing activities she doesn’t desire to do. Like for example playing the piano is not an activity she likes doing but she does it only because her mother wants her to be a prodigy person. As well, the two pieces of music revealed at the end of the

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