
Literary Analysis Of Antonio Allima

Decent Essays

“I yearned for knowledge and understanding” (Anaya, 74). Antonio always wants to learn and is always inquiring into how the world works, and all the mysteries of the universe. “‘I am beginning to understand why your mother calls you the inquisitor,’ she said.” (Anaya, 33). Antonio’s mother recognizes his investigative nature so much that she has nicknamed him after this trait.
Thoughtful =
“‘Why are you so thoughtful, Antonio?’ Ultima asked” (Anaya, 33). Ultima understands how Antonio evaluates situations well beyond his years. “It was during one of these moods of thought” (Anaya 187). Antonio sets asides portions of his day just for thinking about emotions, religion, and the world around him.
Observant =
“I knew most of them by name, not

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