
Literacy Connections: Case Study

Decent Essays

Thank you for meeting with us Friday.
It is reassuring to know you understand the urgency of the crisis Literacy Orange is currently under, and have taken a positive, first step to resolve the matter. We, at Literacy Connections, understand the current financial and staff problems you are facing and, for almost a year, have actively communicated and worked with Christine and other staff members in hopes of bringing the organization back to a stabilized and sustainable position. However, as you can imagine, this is no easy task. We will continue to try to approach this crisis with the sensitivity and urgency it requires.
As promised last Friday and without going to lengthy technical details of how student numbers are viewed and monitored by …show more content…

However, with only 18 viable students currently in the NRS – assuming the data is eventually corrected and students are properly pre-tested and later post-tested – we have a very long way to go with little time left. In addition, considering the literacy level and slow progression of the population we serve, achieving NYSED required benchmarks and goals becomes a more difficult challenge with the passing of each day. Because we are half-way through the program year, the risk of not meeting contract requirements (students, benchmarks and goals) is becoming greater; putting the consortium at risk of receiving a NYSED non-compliance report card, all four agencies being placed on corrective action and jeopardizing future consortia …show more content…

We do not need to tell you just how difficult it is to secure funds to operate a nonprofit and how much more challenging it is when the organization is running on a few years of deficits. However, this now affects the consortium as a whole and limits the effectiveness of resources allocated to literacy services in Orange County.
As discussed, we look forward to receiving Literacy Orange short and long term plans addressing the current financial and program crisis by the end of next week, as agreed. A comprehensive plan is urgently needed to put the program back on its feet and minimize the negative impact the consortia would have to absorb should Literacy Orange fail again to meet contract goals.
I must re-emphasis the urgency of this matter as inaction will be prejudicial to our Literacy Connections and the consortium as a whole. Any further delay in developing and implementing the proper program and financial safeguards, will only expose the other compliant members of the consortium to unnecessary and heighten scrutiny from

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