Thank you for meeting with us Friday.
It is reassuring to know you understand the urgency of the crisis Literacy Orange is currently under, and have taken a positive, first step to resolve the matter. We, at Literacy Connections, understand the current financial and staff problems you are facing and, for almost a year, have actively communicated and worked with Christine and other staff members in hopes of bringing the organization back to a stabilized and sustainable position. However, as you can imagine, this is no easy task. We will continue to try to approach this crisis with the sensitivity and urgency it requires.
As promised last Friday and without going to lengthy technical details of how student numbers are viewed and monitored by
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However, with only 18 viable students currently in the NRS – assuming the data is eventually corrected and students are properly pre-tested and later post-tested – we have a very long way to go with little time left. In addition, considering the literacy level and slow progression of the population we serve, achieving NYSED required benchmarks and goals becomes a more difficult challenge with the passing of each day. Because we are half-way through the program year, the risk of not meeting contract requirements (students, benchmarks and goals) is becoming greater; putting the consortium at risk of receiving a NYSED non-compliance report card, all four agencies being placed on corrective action and jeopardizing future consortia …show more content…
We do not need to tell you just how difficult it is to secure funds to operate a nonprofit and how much more challenging it is when the organization is running on a few years of deficits. However, this now affects the consortium as a whole and limits the effectiveness of resources allocated to literacy services in Orange County.
As discussed, we look forward to receiving Literacy Orange short and long term plans addressing the current financial and program crisis by the end of next week, as agreed. A comprehensive plan is urgently needed to put the program back on its feet and minimize the negative impact the consortia would have to absorb should Literacy Orange fail again to meet contract goals.
I must re-emphasis the urgency of this matter as inaction will be prejudicial to our Literacy Connections and the consortium as a whole. Any further delay in developing and implementing the proper program and financial safeguards, will only expose the other compliant members of the consortium to unnecessary and heighten scrutiny from
Literacy Connections and Literacy Orange has formed a transition team (of board members) to see us through the program changes without service interruption through June 30th. Effective July 1st, Literacy Connections will take full control of the program and is working on maintaining the current office lease in Middletown, continue the use of the Newburgh Library facilities for instruction as well
Professor Deborah Brandt’s research article “Sponsors of Literacy” is about the importance of the sponsors. According to her, sponsors are the ones that provide the sponsored the access to literacy. Brandt interviews about 100 people and through those interviews, Brandt makes three main points regarding sponsors. The first one is about how different kinds of sponsors can produce different kinds of performances. The example that Brandt shows to the readers is the difference in the background of Raymond Branch and Dora Lopez. Branch is able to be exposed to the more powerful sponsors, while Lopez cannot. The second main point in this article is that economic and political can cause a rise in literacy
As most of you already know, Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley, Inc. has taken over Literacy Orange adult literacy program effective July 1, 2017. Billie Hanlon, our Program Coordinator, will continue to manage program services and support students and volunteers in Orange County from our Middletown office.
In Sponsors of Literacy, Brandt argues that individual and group literacy stem directly from sponsors in the form of role models, educators, media, and many more sources of language and communication acquisition. Brandt claims that sponsors, through intentional or unintentional actions, influence an individual’s ideologies and relationship with literacy. Through the interviews which Brandt conducted in the 1990s with people of varying literary and sponsorship experiences, Brandt discovered that an individual’s access to literacy opportunities: libraries, computers, or traditional education, had a monumental impact on their career, ability weather political or economic upheavals, and capacity to function profitably in society. Sponsors distribute
The learning provisions for development in literacy are extremely important and can be reached by using their language skills. They learn to communicate with others through three main ways: they are Speaking, Reading and Writing. These three areas interact with each other and develop the Childs self-expression and imagination. They must be given the opportunity within all different subject areas to use and extend their language so that their thinking skills progress to a higher level.
One of the most eye opening experiences of my life occurred in the second grade. I would have never thought that doing one simple assignment in elementary school could change my whole perspective on literacy. My understanding of literacy was sparked when I had read my first real book. I remember sitting down on the vividly colorful carpet day dreaming about playing Mario Cart on my Nintendo 64 while everyone was obediently listening to the teacher read a book out loud. It wasn’t that I did not know how to read or listen, I just didn’t care. Reading to me used to be tedious because I did not understand the purpose of it. I did not grow up with the luxury of my parents reading to me because they weren’t literate in English, so I had to figure out for myself why literacy is vital in everyday life. My ongoing learning experience with literacy can be traced back to one simple visit to library.
Literacy Collaborative is high quality program oriented around rigorous instruction and purposeful teacher-student interactions. It is a framework based on authentic, global, and holistic language acquisition, which include both reading and writing workshops. Within this framework teachers differentiate instruction through flexible grouping such as whole-class, small group and/or individualized instruction. Additionally, teachers create opportunities for students to engage in targeted activites throught the utilization of interactive and shared reading experiences as well as tailored vocabulary and phonologica awareness lessons designed to met individual needs. The Literacy Collaborative framework strives to ehance student learning through engagement, purpose, systematic routines, data based instruction, and targeted interventions. Students are encourage to beome an active participant in their learning experience through student choice, open-ended question, and targeted
Cynthia Haven is the writer of an article called “The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing” that is a study based on the amount of writing college students do. She followed students at Stanford during their undergraduate years and the first year after that. She discovered that today’s students are writing more than any generation before it. Cynthia had the students she was studying submit all of the writing they did, academic or personal. She found that only 62 percent of the work submitted to her was for classes; the rest of the material was “Life writing”.
Literacy plays a huge role in my daily life. Every single day I read and write. Whether it’s writing an email or reading a text message, class assignment, discussion board, etc. My literacy journey is unique because I have had different experiences. As a result, this is how my literacy journey has let me to be the reader that I am.
Throughout my first year as a middle school Language Arts teacher, I have developed a theoretical understanding of what I believe are the necessary components to providing a meaningful and generative environment in which students develop and expand literacy skills. The teaching of literacy needs to include a balance of reading, writing, speaking and listening activities, and needs to be a social endeavor that provides a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all diverse learners. My teaching strategies, beliefs and personality that I bring to my classroom can be characterized as a blend of two types of philosophical theories: social constructivism and relational teaching and
For this assignment, I completed a survey to assess my school’s literacy program by using a survey that was adapted from by Patty, Maschoff, & Ransom (1996) to analyze the instructional program and the school’s infrastructure. To be able to answer my survey, I needed to go colleagues of mine in the English Department and to my administration to help with these questions. Being a math teacher, we hardly ever discuss the literacy and the students’ acquisition of it in our department meeting during staff development days. Since I am not truly current with literacy acquisition in education, I am hoping to understand more from this process so I can help all my students. I want them to be able to read texts related to math and find
I 've loved to read and write ever since I was taught my ABC 's for the first time. It 's been a huge part of my life in a lot of different aspects. I learned how to read when I was three years old because I went to a daycare where I was the youngest kid and the only one who couldn 't read. Reading and writing just stuck with me after that. After I started reading better than my older daycare-mates, school was ready for me to conquer. The school put me with older kids right away and I was in English class with 3rd graders when I was in kindergarten. It helped me out with making friends and I always got along with older kids better
In the world that is becoming more technology driven on daily bases, literacy skills are growing increasingly important to my future career. I'm as a second language speaker who had to submerge myself and literally learn a new language, new culture and new traditions. My life wasn't easy improving my literacy skills, but my plans for the future, which is high education and my
Everything that we do requires words. Even when we think we create our memories out of words. One reason why we do not remember stuff when we are young is because we don’t have the words to put the information into to store it. Writing is very important because writing means everything, and if we didn 't have writing, we wouldn 't be able to spread ideas. The local and world news are in writing also so we need to be able to read the information. Also directions on how to use something or directions to go somewhere for transportation are also written in words. It is unimaginable how many roles writing plays in our lifestyles and we don’t even think about it.
I completed my literacy field experience at Isanti Intermediate School/School for all Seasons in Isanti, MN. I was able to complete my 20 hour observation in a 1st grade classroom (primary), a 3rd grade classroom (intermediate), and conducted fluency tests in a 5th grade classroom. Each class had approximately 22 to 25 students. Also during this literacy class, I was also able to spend a few days observing a 3rd/4th grade classroom and a kindergarten classroom through a couple of sub jobs I completed. I need to note that my understanding was that 3rd grade was part of the intermediate program so I completed half my observation and assessment time with a 3rd grade classroom and completed a 3rd grader assessment. I am happy to say