
Literacy Action Plan

Decent Essays

In the prior Literacy Action Plan, the material, resources, and information used and found were done for specific reasons. These reasons were found by using data from state assessments and district assessments from Okeechobee School District. Janice Greenberg stated “Tony Wagner goes on to say that children will need seven basic survival skills to succeed in the world that awaits them which are as follows: 1) Critical thinking and Problem Solving, 2)Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence, 3) Agility and Adaptability, 4) Initiative and Entrepreneurialism, 5) Effective Oral and Written Communication, 6) Accessing and Analyzing Information, and 7) Curiosity and Imagination” (Greenberg, 2011). These are also reasons why students should be proficient in reading and writing and why we have to write a Literacy Action Plan so we have action set into place to help our students achieve proficient scores in Reading and Writing. The first priority that was completed in the …show more content…

Students who are English Language Learners are taught in whole group with their general education teacher and in a small group with their ELL paraprofessional. About 5 % of students who are ELL are on or above grade level in Reading based on the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment 3. This is why the district believes these students and others should have extra practice or progress monitored on their mastery of vocabulary skills in school. Helping students master the skill of vocabulary teachers need to be able to have time to demonstrate an effort to systematically teach word study. They also need to be able to use vocabulary techniques and practices that will be intense and meaningful to the students in third grade. Last but not least, they need to be able to share effective vocabulary techniques in their PLC’s that have worked for them in their

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