
Linux Operating System on Business

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Introduction about Linux

Linux is an operating system that was initially created as a hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus had an interest in Minix, a small UNIX system, and decided to develop a system that exceeded the Minix standards. He began his work in 1991 when he released version 0.02 and worked steadily until 1994 when version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released. Linux is developed and released under the GNU General Public License and its source code is freely available to everyone. There are now literally hundreds of companies and organizations and an equal number of individuals that have released their own versions of operating systems based on the Linux kernel.

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|Country Energy, NSW, Australia |A Linux user since 1995, Country Energy has been steadily moving more |
| |and more systems over to Linux. |
|Deutsche Bahn |German railway system manager Deutsche Bahn began in late 2004 to |
| |migrate its servers to Linux. The migrated systems include a Lotus |
| |Notes server, a SAP system and their web servers. Other systems will |
| |follow. |
|Endress+Hauser |In the summer of 2004, the sensors and instruments manufacturer |
| |migrated its SAP system on to a mainframe running Linux. |
|Ernie Ball Inc. |The guitar string manufacturer abandoned Microsoft and migrated its |
| |entire IT infrastructure to Linux

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