
Linus Pauling Accomplishments

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Linus Pauling was the greatest chemist of the twentieth century – arguably of all time. He was a theoretical physical chemist who became the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes. Growing up in Oregon, Pauling taught himself the fundamentals of chemistry while he was still a teen. His work on chemical bonding marks him as one of the founders of modern quantum chemistry, and his discovery of the alpha helix and beta sheet is a major foundation for the study of protein structure. Although he is mostly known for his successes, he made one principal mistake, which affected his legacy. Linus Carl Pauling was born on February 28, 1901, in Portland, Oregon to Herman and Lucy Pauling. His father was a self-taught pharmacist. Unexpectedly, Pauling’s father died of an ulcer, resulting in the rest of Linus’s family to live in poverty. Pauling’s …show more content…

Jeffress’s chemistry kit. Fascinated by the flames, reactions, and odors, Pauling went home and began building his own "laboratory" in his basement. He taught himself more about chemistry than he could have learned in his local high school chemistry class. In high school, a chemistry teacher noticed Pauling's familiarity with the science and provided personal tutoring. Due to his family’s wealth status, Pauling had to work various jobs to help make ends meet and eventually dropped out of high school. In 1917, Pauling enrolled at Oregon Agricultural College, now Oregon State University, where he intended to pursue a degree in chemical engineering. Thanks to all those years studying chemistry at home, Pauling was well ahead of his class. While still an undergraduate himself, Pauling taught chemistry courses in the understaffed department, an experience that granted him access to the current chemical journals. He later married a student of his, Ava Helen Miller. After graduating as a chemical

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