Abraham Lincoln assumed the office of the President of the United States 153 years ago. Barack Obama did the same 148 years later. Nearly fifteen decades separate these two historical events and astounding men. While one man has gone to great lengths to model himself after the other, there was possibly a connection there all along. The differences between Lincoln and Obama are evident and expected, but the similarities are remarkable and extraordinary.
When looking at the disparities between these two great men, their education and opportunities definitely stand out. Obama did his undergraduate work at Columbia University, receiving a B.A. in political science with a focus on international relations. He later went on to graduate
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This would prove to be an impossible burden to resolve. When Lincoln took office he was facing a nation in true turmoil. The current slavery dispute between the north and south had triggered an upheaval and eleven states succeeded from the Union (Miller). He actually took leadership of a country that was falling apart. The most profound difference between Lincoln and Obama definitely have to be their prior political qualifications before running for President, specifically the depth and duration of partisan involvement. Abraham Lincoln spent nearly three decades in party politics. This experience included working and campaigning for numerous candidates and political causes. Everyone knew who he was. From the age of 25 on, Lincoln continuously tried for leadership roles within the Republican Party with much success. He held various governmental roles to include floor-leader for the Whig Party, chairman of the finance committee, and played a leading role in organizing the new Republican Party in Illinois (Library of Congress). Unlike most up-an-coming politicians, Barack Obama played no significant role in any political causes prior to his own run for presidency. Furthermore, there is no evidence that he participated in any prior Democratic elections before 2008. No one really knew who he was.
Every new president is compared to one or two of his predecessors. Some sort of similarities are always easy to find; however, with Lincoln and Obama they seem
Chapter four summarizes Lincolns agenda and how he worked. He was dedicated to the whig agenda, which included things like “protectionism, government control of the money supply through a nationalized banking system, and government subsidies for railroad shipping, and canal-building businesses”(54). Lincoln aslo went by Henry Clays way of thinking, who was Lincolns idol forever. He adopted his American System, which economist have a different word for calling it, “Mercantilism”(56). The nations banking was always apart of this agenda.
“My President Was Black” written by Ta-Nahesi Coates has many arguments between Coates and the former president Barack Obama. They both had many differences and similarities throughout this passage. Barack Obama is the only black man that could of have pulled of the job of being President in this racist “White America”. The reason why he pulled it off is because of his great personality, the way he sees the United States as a whole and his policies. I believe in this because in “ My President Was Black” there is many evidence that can prove my fact about Barack Obama.
In the novel Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay, written by Harry L. Watson, the many differences between our 7th president and the man who tried so often to hold that coveted position are shown in great detail. These two men not only differed on every political issue that came to their attention, but they also had a great hatred toward each other as people. Just as Jackson and Clay were passionate about their beliefs, so were their followers. The Americans who followed Jackson hated Clay just as much as Jackson did and vice versa. This made Jackson’s two term presidency that much sweeter for the “Jackson Party” and Andrew Jackson himself.
The two speeches I will be comparing are Donald Trump’s Victory Speech and Lincoln's second Inaugural Address. I notice that these speeches are very similar and also very different in a couple ways. One of the ways that they are similar is the speeches were made by two very determined people. They both had something they believed in. Trump wanted the people to support him and help make the country better than before, and Abe worked to help resolve the Civil War. I know Trump is a very determined guy but the people don’t respect him as the president yet because of some of the disrespectful comments toward the people. They both want or wanted to reach out to the people.
Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln were born during very different times. They both were known as great leaders during their time in power. They are both seen as hero's to this day by some. The men have a great amount of things about them in common, but they also have a few differences. Julius Caesar was born in Rome in 100B.C. He grew up and joined the military asa young man. During is time in the military he became known as one of the worlds greatest military leaders. He was a man that liked to voice his opinion on the government's corruption. Which led him to his start in a career in politics. After becoming a dictator with a great amount of power, he wanted to help the poor people. So his solution was to take the rich people's
Over time there has been alot of president's that has been in and out of the white house. Some of the president's have done a great job in office some president's didn't do so good in the white house. People in general have all sorts of different opinions on president's some people may say one president was the best while another person may disagree. In my opinion out of all the president's there is a man named Abraham Lincoln who i think was one of the greatest president's of all time. One of are president's in the present who i think does not do a very good job in office is president Barack Obama. There are a lot of reason's why i put these two in the catogories i did and in my essay i am going to explain this reasoning behind my
Lincoln’s administration represents the height of presidential power during the first century under the constitution. The exigencies of the Civil War demanded that Lincoln wield a range of powers unlike any the county had ever witness, and many of his enemies accused him of taking on dictatorial or tyrannical powers. He however felt it was his duty to save the Union by whatever means necessary.
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy each began their political careers at an early age. Abraham Lincoln ran for the Illinois legislature in 1832 when he was just 23 years old but he was unsuccessful. However, two years later, he was elected to the Lower House for the first four successive terms as a Whig until 1841. Lincoln was married to Mary Todd Lincoln on November 4, 1842. In 1847 to 1949 Lincoln served as a member of the United States House of Representatives where he opposed the Mexican War. In 1854 there was a Kansas-Nebraska Act presented before Congress which would open lands previously closed to slavery to the possibility of its spread by local opinion. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery and viewed it as immoral so when the act passed in 1854 Lincoln was loosing interest in politics. In 1856 he joined the newly reformed Republican Party and two years later campaigned for the Senate against Douglas. Lincoln appeared with Douglas in seven debates. This was his first considerable national fame. However, he did not win the Senate seat. The democratic holdovers in the upper house elected Douglas. John F. Kennedy became involved in politics after World War II. In 1946 he was elected to the U.S. Congress, representing a district in greater Boston. He was a
Being president probably isn’t the easiest job. Here are some of my views on President Trump and Obama. There are many comparisons and differentiations between them. One being Trump wanting to get rid of programs, for example DACA for his budget plan, while Obama started it to help out, yet they both had the same idea to make the country better.
To begin, with Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860,but know one thought that he’d be one of America’s most influential presidents. Even with many obstacles in his presidency he still succeed and became one of America’s best. Even with a shortened second term Lincoln was still more accomplished then some with a full eight years.
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States taking presidency in 1861, but he was looked down upon long before he took office. He was demonized as a “black republican” and pictured as an abolitionist during the 4-way campaign in 1860. He avoided adding fuel to the flames in 1860 campaign by refraining from making any policy pronouncements for the fear of misconstruction in both regions. Abraham Lincoln’s election as president in November 1860 finally pushed secessionists over the edge. Many southerners felt that his goal was to ignore states’ rights and remove their ability to own slaves.
President Barack Obama is a name known around the world thanks to his political triumphs and historical presidency. He has an extensive educational background and has a strong political resume to match. In the book Reading Obama by James Kloppenberg, Kloppenberg not only applauded President Obama’s educational journey as a means to developing the necessary skills to be a leader, but also viewed Obama as an intellectual and philosophical president which he believes are unique characteristics only present in a minority of American historians. Kloppenberg uses Obama’s own publications, such as his published books as well as issues of the Harvard Law Review, as an analytical tool to develop what he believes is Obama’s political philosophy.
President Barack Obama did many things to get to the positions he is at now.” Obama himself struggled with his mixed-race identity and sought to figure out how he fit in with the rest of the world”(Source B). He also had many problems growing up and many complications to get through school since he didn’t have much money. But Obama showed great appreciation for the things he had. He went out in his community becoming a great leader. Not only did he go out in his community and be a leader, But he showed great leadership, as a senate and as a president.Barack Obama was more than just an ordinary President, but he showed great leadership, hard work and cared for others than himself.
Similarities between Trump and Obama vary between different subjects. Different subjects include political outlooks, rather than actual personal, and educational similarities. For instance, Donald is a republican, meaning his outlook would be the outlook of a, well, republican. But some statements intertwine with some statements of those of Obama’s, relating to politics. Gay rights, making voter registration easier, marijuana being a gateway drug (both say no), and various other issues. From an education standpoint, there isn't much to relate either. Both presidents went to college and graduated, it is what further education they get after college,
So far Lincoln has lived out the life I thought he would. One thing that surprised me was that he wasn’t home very often and often times his wife and children went weeks without seeing him while he was trying to gain votes all around the United States. This was surprising because I thought Lincoln would be a family man whose main focus would be his children. Another characteristic that surprised me was the fact that Abraham was considered to be quiet and shy. He liked to talk and voice his opinions, however he had to be coaxed into it. Once he became more comfortable with speaking he drew crowds all around the United States of people who wanted to listen to him speak. This surprised me because Lincoln is known for having very influential speeches