
Lincoln Was A Man Of Power

Decent Essays

Lincoln was a man of power, he loved being powerful, and he did that through war. Lincoln 's administration became popular for use of deadly force against anyone to deny the right to secession. (171) “Many historians have praised Lincoln for his micromanagement of the war effort.” (172) According to James McPherson, his work is "genius." (172) In the War Between the States, Lincoln invades the South, which makes him the aggressor. “During Lincoln’s war against the civilians Lincoln wanted Southern civilians to suffer which made him abandon international law and the U.S. military’s code and began to wage total war.” (179) Every where the Federal armies went there was rampant vandalism. “Lincoln opened the gates of war and plunged his fellow countrymen, North, and South, into four years of misery and death (Gamble 2003, 611). If Lincoln 's army would have lost in the Shenandoah Valley, it could cause him “to lose the 1864 election and the Democratic Party was inclined to work out a peace agreement.” (195) The reconstruction of America was like “poured salt into ‘the nation’s wounds” (200) caused by Lincoln. The reconstruction, by Lincoln, only cared about the “international law for the sake of politics.” (200) “Lincoln laid the political groundwork for the disastrous Reconstruction policies of 1865-1877.” (201) The Confederates considered Southerners “lucky” (203) compared to Japanese invaded Nanking in the 1930s. “Lincoln never admitted that secession was legitimate or that

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