
Limited Jurisdiction Essay

Decent Essays

Trial Courts of Limited Jurisdiction is a type court that only handles a particular kind of case which could be criminal or civil. Family Court, Juvenile Court, Traffic Court are some of the courts that are apart of the Limited Jurisdiction because they only take minor case claims. Although of the limited jurisdiction, trial courts still have the same proceedings such as finding evidence, having a judge and jury determine what should happen to you or your case. Although we know, Trial Courts take small cases some states have different policies for their Trial Courts of Limited Jurisdiction and might not be the same as your Trial Court in your state. General Jurisdiction Court is the court that is most well-known because it takes on a lot of criminal cases like murder, drug trafficking, rape, etc. Cases that have to be brought to trial so it can be seen in front of a judge as well as a grand jury. Although most have the same name for their general jurisdiction court, some states have different names, for example, Florida’s is called " Florida Circuit Courts," while New York's is called "New York Supreme Court." But the most common name for most states is …show more content…

The appellate court job is not to see if the trial court screwed you over but to see if there was enough evidence to convict you, as well as was your sentence too harsh. If they do come to find evidence of either of these things they do have the right to dismiss your case, give you a lighter sentence and or give you a retrial to give you a fairer verdict. Civil and criminal cases are handled differently during appeals. A criminal who is already imprisoned can seek for appeal but if denied can not seek appeal until another year or either askes for its appeal to be sent to the court of last resort which could take up to 5 years to even review your

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