
Like Water For Chocolate Feminism Essay

Decent Essays

Feminism can be defined as the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities.
I think Like Water For Chocolate is a feminist novel because the two main characters in the novel exhibit characteristics that represent what a feminist is. Feminism is the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. Tita and Gertrudis show through their behavior, actions, and language that they believe that women should be able to live a life with the same rights and opportunities as men.
The first reason Tita supports my belief that Like Water For Chocolate is a feminist novel is that she demonstrated her feminism by rejecting conforms to social norms for female behavior and choosing instead her equal right to fully love Pedro by having an …show more content…

This quote explains that Gertrudis earned her commission of general by working brutally hard by fighting in many battles in the Mexican revolution. This is usually the pattern men adopt to gain the rank they want in a war.
“Leadership was in her blood and once she joined the army, she began a rapid ascent through powerful positions until she arrived at top; …” (9, p179). We learn in this quote that Gertrudis acts like a feminist because she availed herself of the same rights and opportunities that men take to rise to the top of their profession. She was not afraid to show she was a leader and she was not afraid to take opportunities that came along to show her abilities and be promoted up the military ranks to general.
In conclusion, we see that two main and powerful characters in Like Water For Chocolate, Tita and Gertrudis, exemplify and demonstrate the traits that feminists have – the ability and fearlessness to take advantage of the same rights and opportunities that men take advantage of. These two characters support my belief that Like Water For Chocolate is a feminist

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