
Like Water For Chocolate By Esquivel's Oryx And Crake

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Chaos: The New Order
The will to defy order in society spurs chaos, but eventually, this chaos emerges as the new order. Chaos and order seem to contrast by definition. However, I believe that chaos and order both reinforce each other after analyzing Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel, and Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood. Particularly, Like Water for Chocolate tells the life story of Tita de la Garza and her struggle to acquire her love, Pedro Muzquiz. The diction that Esquivel uses to narrate the preparation of specific Mexican dishes illustrate the emotions that the characters experience and emphasize the adverse effects of unrequited love on one’s life. That is to say, each diverse dish represents a particular event of Tita’s …show more content…

The confusion between these two words questions the genuine characterization of true love. In grade nine, I read Romeo and Juliet, which clearly revealed the differences between love and lust. What Romeo and Juliet thought was “love at first sight,” was merely lust, akin to Pedro and Tita. In particular, they first catch a glimpse of each other at a family gathering and instantaneously fall in love. When Tita strolls past Pedro during the party, “The heat that invaded her body was so real she was afraid she would start to bubble- her face, her stomach, her heart, her breasts-like batter” (Esquivel 16). Tita’s body simmered as Pedro gawked at her, leading to the awakening of her sexuality. The author uses light and sparks to represent passion and desire for sex, as a majority of the characters feel a dynamic pull towards their partner when they are nearby. I noted that even though fire is advantageous, as it has many practical uses, fire also brings about destruction as it is impossible to control. Tita’s craving for Pedro forced her to defy all order in her life and family because she surpasses all the rules she has established for herself. It soon becomes apparent that Tita is a dynamic character, as she was courteous before meeting Pedro, though, she becomes courageous and outspoken after meeting him. Particularly, when Mama Elena …show more content…

This novel illustrates the life story of Snowman, also known as Jimmy, who is the only human left on earth after a breakthrough of a viral disease which abolishes numerous people. Snowman spends his time in the wilderness reflecting and grieving over his friends and family who die as a result of the lethal disease that Crake, his best friend, deliberately spread. Crake is described as an astute character with a passion for science and technology, and he eventually comes up with the Blysspuss Pills which are designed to diminish aging, protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and grant the user “sexual powers”. While waiting for Oryx, Crake’s partner, to return from the pizza store, Jimmy receives a phone call from her, “It was in the pills. It was in those pills I was giving away, the ones I was selling. It’s all the same cities, I went there. Those pills were supposed to help people…” (Atwood 389). The pills were assumed to have many advantages, however, they induced hysteria as the user acquired a fatal disease which spread internationally. This plague resulted in frantic behavior as, everyone desperately wished to be spared from it. Upon reading this novel, I believe that Crake represents God as, he created a new and “improved” species of humans, Crakers, to terminate the

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