
Life Of Pi Survival Essay

Decent Essays

In life it is essential to have a companion to rely on, spend time with, and experience the world with. Without this extraordinary person, it makes it much more difficult to thrive and survive in life. Throughout the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the main character, Pi Patel, shares a very special and inexplicable relationship with his only companion on a lifeboat for 227 days. This 450-pound bengal tiger, Richard Parker, proves to be Pi’s only comrade on his small boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Through his relationship with Richard Parker, Pi learns that the most critical aspect of survival is having a companion to distract him from his traumatic experience and provide him with a reason to live. After the sinking of the Tsimtsum, Pi …show more content…

Early in part two of Life of Pi, Pi undoubtedly loses the most important people in his life: his mother, father, and brother. This is an incredibly tragic event for Pi who has completely devoted his younger years to those who he loves, including his family. For the first few days on the lifeboat, Pi can not stop thinking about the tragic sinking of the Tsimtsum and questioning why it happened to him. To make it worse, Pi has to worry about a 450 pound carnivore salivating while considering him for his next meal. Although anyone else in Pi’s position would be completely terrified, he calmly says, “I looked at Richard Parker. My panic was gone. My fear was dominated. Survival was at hand” (Martel 165). The turning point in Pi’s ordeal is when he realizes that Richard Parker is not a burden to have on his lifeboat, but a gift. The presence of Richard Parker serves as a distraction to Pi and allows him to forget about his current situation for a while. Later in the chapter Pi decides that if he is not going to kill Richard Parker, it is necessary to prove that he is the most powerful by

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