
Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

There are many people who believe in God and there are those who believe in science. People who believe in God turn a deaf ear to the voice of reason. People who believe in science lack the ability to believe something on faith. Life of Pi by Yann Martel is a story of a young man named Pi shipwrecked at sea for seven months where his life is changed forever. After escaping the sea, Pi tells two stories of what happened during those seven months. Regardless which story is more believable or interesting, do the details of the story really matter if the outcomes are the same? Similarly both stories include Pi being shipwrecked with hungry individuals who must fight to survive. First story he is with animals and the second story he is with members of the ship’s crew. Both stories include conflict and violence in order to survive. The line between humanity and what is animalistic becomes blurred. When survival is threatened, people and animals will do anything to survive. The animal story is more fictional and …show more content…

Like with any adaption certain details cannot be properly portrayed on the big screen. For instance, Pi is nude for the majority of the shipwreck in the novel and in the movie he is wearing cleaned white pants. The novel is more realistic but the movie is more PG-friendly. On the other hand, in the novel Pi is intellectually curious about the animals and in the movie he instigates mischief making him appear more of a brat than a scholar. The religion aspect of Pi’s early life before the event is more explained in the novel, but is not crucial to the overall story and is condensed in the movie. However a bad example of condensing source material would be the conflict between the animals, instead of days it seemed like mere hours in the film. To that end, the film does a brilliant job taking the source material and enhancing it will spectacular visual

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