
Explain The Stages Of Life

Decent Essays

Life is broken down into stages. From conception to birth a person is at their most vulnerable point. Developing into a toddler and growing up into a child is when a person 's life beings to take shape. Adding to this shape is the growth into a teenager making important choices and an adult to figuring out who you are leading on to a senior and the elderly having went through these stages now old and back to their fragile state. Ultimately life ends in the unavoidable outcome, death. From conception to death, these are the stages of life.

Life begins at conception (Alcorn, 2010). As soon as sperm meets the egg and cells start reproducing, life has begun. A human being starts out as a single cell. This cell copies itself, more cells form and over the course of nine months, life has already begun in the womb. Every human being starts from this single cell, just as every human being is a person, every unborn human is a person as well. Although a human is not fully formed at conception, it is the beginning of growth, this is the beginning of life.

A baby goes on to develop until after nine months, it is ready to be born. The day a baby is born is this baby 's next step in this life. The baby has come into this world for the first time. Being born is the exit from the womb and the entrance to life on this earth. At birth, a baby is completely helpless, relying on his or her mother to provide for them what they need in life. This stage in life is when the baby is not aware

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