
Life Change By Football Analysis

Decent Essays

All of the videos showed the importance of concussion identification, management, and prevention when it comes to all athletes. In the video Life Changed by Football, Zach Lystedt was just your typical high school athlete. His story focused on the idea that one day you could be perfect and the next day it could be changed. This all started when Zach’s head snapped back during football and he sustained a concussion. One of the most important things that happened, that shouldn’t have, is that Zach returned to play. Coaches and athletic trainers didn’t properly assess his injury, sending Zach back out to play. Zach’s brain was still recovering from his concussion and returning to play caused even more damage. As a result, Zach was unable to move …show more content…

After many famous football players lives started to go down tract, Dr. Omalu discovered the presence of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in many other football player’s brains. He explained that CTE was present in many athletes who had a history of repetitive brain trauma, especially concussions. Dr. Omalu explained that football may be hindering the brains of the players, as the head goes backwards and hits inside of the skull. This disease affected many players including Mike Webster and Junior …show more content…

This exposure cause the NFL to change its policies in order to protect. Concussions would now be considered a game ending injury. Goodell also decided to donate player’s brains for the future research of CTE in football players. The NFL warned many that concussions could change your life, causing issues of personality changes or dementia in the long run. Acknowledging the link that concussions can cause long term brain damage, the NFL decided to fund a youth concussion awareness initiative called “Heads up football” in order to promote concussion awareness. Goodell spoke out regarding concussions saying that the league is working to promote safety, but there are still unanswered questions that concussions may cause in the long term. However, the league had a lawsuit filed against them for withholding information when it comes to concussions. They settled and agreed to pay $765 million dollars for retired

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