
Life After Truth - Original Writing Essay

Decent Essays

Life After Truth The day I found out that my parents were actually my grandparents was the most surreal day of my entire life. I woke up thinking that I knew who I was, only to have that shattered in a matter of minutes. I never had any idea that I was adopted until the day my “parents” finally decided to tell me. They had always been my parents, and I knew I did not look like them, but I always joked around and claimed I was the mailman’s daughter. I never knew that I was not their biological child. Finding out this information was a hard thing to take in, but it is something that I have come to appreciate. The day my adoptive parents told me that I was adopted was the day I questioned everything. I remember the day my parents told me I was adopted like it was yesterday. I was in seventh grade sitting in Coach Woods’s third period class, when the secretary called for me to check out. I walked into the parking lot and saw my dad sitting in his truck waiting for me. My first instinct was to freak out and wonder what was wrong because my dad had never checked me out of school before. I got in the truck and immediately started asking him what was wrong and if someone had died. He just laughed at me and assured me nothing was wrong. He said that he just wanted to spend some time with me. We went to the beauty salon where my mom worked, and she and my older sister, Jennifer, walked outside. I remember my sister saying “when I was fifteen, I found out I was pregnant with you,

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