
Lif Life Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

Those who do not care; those who care too much. Those who study; those who wing it. It feels like this sets up how middle and high schools are classified nowadays. Society fills the youth with toxic stereotypes and categories detrimental to one’s self-esteem. The pressure of fitting has reached a climax and not fulfilling these standards creates outliers in the population's eyes. The broad diversity of personalities contributes benefits to those who are open to learning from them otherwise they are to hang out with individuals like them, but that is old news, now the time has come change. We need real people with real kindness that want to spread love and inspire others while also being successful themselves and that’s who I want to be. I want to inspire others as a balanced role model by having a well-rounded lifestyle and being a leader with integrity. …show more content…

To be in good health, one must remain in homeostasis. A decently functioning ecosystem also has balance throughout. In life, I aspire to encourage those around me to excel in multiple areas to become a versatile citizen like myself. I demonstrate that by having excellent grades and participating in sports and clubs, while also having an active social life. The adult equivalent would be to have a family, a superior job, be physically in shape while being socially engaged to be mentally healthy. While it seems impossible to do, everything balances out. For example, the socializing promotes well-being to motivate one to strive towards excellence in life. I want to be someone that people can always look up to and find something that they can do better to be more similar to

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