
Lif Life Balance: The Seven Habits Profile

Decent Essays

My scores ranging from “good” to “very good” with one “outstanding” for the nine sections that the Seven Habits Profile examines. After reviewing my scores, I became aware of areas that I already have skills and areas that need more improvement. Emotional Bank Account: The emotional bank account is a metaphor for how much trust you can build up in a relationship and works similarly to a bank account. For instance, being kind, honest and open are deposits into the emotional bank account. In regards to withdraw, you can act rude, close-minded, or ignore other people’s thoughts and feelings. In this category I scored a 13. I try to keep my word and show kindness as often, yet I have been in situations where I spoke negatively about someone when they are not present. This action is not a retaliation but helps me release stress or anger from the individual. Currently I am working to improve in this area. …show more content…

At this stage of my life I do not find myself having a balanced life. This is one of my lowest scores, 12, in the categories. Currently I am working full time as a college success counselor, work part-time in the fast food industry, balancing graduate school, and pleasing family members. Work takes a large amount of my time within a day, 8-14 hours. I choose this life style because I have a large fear being in debt. So I work so much to cover large payments in student loans, car payments, and other bills. This has become my priority that my health became a problem and I have lost time spending with family. I try to micromanage the hours in a week but I am always short in sleep, family time, or other areas in my life. Currently working on how to prioritize my time appropriately where I do not burn

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