
Libetus Interruptions

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Schurger and colleagues set out to produce evidence that readiness potential (RP) is not determinately the cause of the action. They instead propose that pre-conscious decision-making may only appear to reflect a choice to act due to the nature of spontaneous brain activity. Hypothesis: Schurger et al. hypothesized that fast responses to temporally unpredictable interruptions should be preceded by a slow negative-going voltage deflection beginning well before the interruption itself, even when the subject was not preparing to move at that particular moment. The experiment: The intention of their model was to account for two things: 1) the form that the pre-movement buildup of neural activity takes before spontaneous movements and 2) the …show more content…

Then, the subjects participated in 150 trials of Schurger et al.’s variation of the classic Libet experiment, which they deemed Libetus interruptus. Everything is the same in Libetus Interruptus as Libet’s original task except that a “click” noise is added that signals the subject to move to push a button immediately, as fast as possible, with the thumb of their dominant hand. The trials ended with the subject either making the movement spontaneously or being interrupted. The purpose of adding the interruption at unpredictable times was to expose the spontaneous brain activity that potentially plays a role in the onset of self-initiated movements in the …show more content…

For one, despite using Libet’s experiment as a model they pose a different take on resting potential. They believe that the pre-decision biases that precede voluntary movement reflect stochastic fluctuations instead of an intentional (preconscious) decision process. In addition, they address a question that arose from Libet’s experiment: why there was such a long and inconsistent divide between the time of a subject’s motor decision and the subjective estimate of the time of the subject’s estimate of the time of the motor decision, whereas this gap does not exist for sensory decision? Schurger et al. found that neural decision to move corresponds in times with average subjective estimates of time of awareness of attention to

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