When one’s individual freedom connotes sacrificing that of a fellow human being’s health then that freedom needs to be restricted. People in the United States of America have the additional right to choose to engage in healthy habits and avoid the damaging ones. Thus, if an individual is fixed on being selfish and performs poor habits near these people such as smoking and driving a pollutant vehicle, then that liberty should cease to exist.
First off, research has proven that secondhand smoke, the non-smoking person who inhales the nearby toxin and fumes, is capable of causing equivalent harm to the lungs as to the firsthand smoker, the person willingly imposing harm onto a neighbor. Tragically, it is completely devastating and disgusting
Secondhand smoke is a volatile air pollutant that poses health risks for anyone nearby. It places children at risk for developing issues like asthma, ear and respiratory infections, and even cancer, while increasing the more obvious risks of cancer, heart disease, and stroke for the smoker.
Smokers are faced with many health problems with lung cancer and many other cancers been a big health risk due to what is in the cigarettes. Other health risks are coronary heart disease, heart attacks, stokes, respiratory problems such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and can worsen asthma.Secondhand smoke comes from the tip of a lit cigarette and is the smoke that the smoker breathes out. People who breathe in secondhand smoke are at risk of the same health conditions as smokers, particularly lung cancer and heart disease. Their quality of life is affected with smokers more at risk of cancers and heart diseases, also they would be more prone to getting sick and also having to clear their throat in the morning due to been caught up.
Second hand smoke is harmful to all people around those who smoke. Second hand smoke affects children the most. Second hand smoke kills 53,800 thousand people a year. Second hand smoke kills more people a year than lung cancer a year, lung cancer only kills 48,500 people a year. There are more people who die from secondhand smoke than people who get in car crashes. Tobacco products such as dip give many people mouth cancer. E cigarettes say on the label that they don't¨get people addicted or that they don't have nicotine but they do.
Secondhand smoke kills more nonsmokers than firsthand smoke kills smokers. The choice to smoke becomes an addictive habit, which kills your autonomy. You do not have the choice to stop anymore.
Smoking also causes some serious respiratory diseases. Emphysema is a disease that robs a person of their ability to breathe. This disease is terminal and it kills you. It destroys a little bit of your lungs at a time so you don’t even realize there is problem. Patients who have emphysema can survive for many years with the help of oxygen tanks and special breathing exercises. Everyday activities, like shopping, cleaning, or exercising are some things that you can’t do in the later stages of emphysema. Elaine Landau says in her book “Cigarettes” that one cigarette lessens a smokers life by 7 minutes. Overall smoking is very dangerous a deadly it causes over 300,000 deaths a year in the United States. So if you’re ever offered one just remember how dangerous it is even if it only lessens your life by 7 minutes. However you don’t have to smoke to be harmed by cigarette. This leads us to the effects of secondhand smoke. Inhaling smoke from others is called passive smoking.
People need freedom, but there comes a point when some freedoms interfere with public health. When people drive cars with high emissions, those emissions go into the atmosphere, which contribute to air pollution and is bad for public health. One way to reduce this pollution is
According to the state of Michigan, secondhand smoke can trigger asthma attack, bronchial infections, and other severe health problems in nonsmokers.
What is secondhand smoke? Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from an actively burning cigarette and can also be the smoke exhaled from a smoker. There are two different types of secondhand smoke: Side stream smoke which comes directly from burning tobacco and also Mainstream smoke which is the smoke that the person smoking inhales. Although the smoke that the smoker inhales is very dangerous and harmful to the body, the smoke off of a burning cigarette actually contains more harmful substances due to the smoke not being filtered when coming off of the end of the cigarette. The people being harmed the most by secondhand smoke happens to be children. Children have no choice but to endure the secondhand smoke coming off of their
Medically secondhand smoke causes a lot of medical issues such as cancer, heart disease, coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, reduced lung function, asthma attacks, and low-birth-weights. Ethically there is a violation of people’s
To add, smoking not only affects the users bodies, but also it is dangerous for those who are around them. The CDC states that secondhand smoke contains 7000 chemicals, in which 70 of those are toxic and can cause cancer (“Effects”). Since 1964, the Surgeon General’s report stated that 2.5 million adults who have never smoked cigarettes in their life have died due to
Smokers aren't just hurting themselves they are hurting those around them as well. Secondhand smoke gives the same toxins and chemicals that cigarettes have to those who breath it in. Children in homes with smoking parents suffer the most and usually end up becoming smokers themselves. Secondhand smoke is the cause of tens of thousands of deaths in nonsmokers every year. If it doesn't kill you it causes several health issues including heart problems, strokes, asthma, and even cancer.
"Second hand smoke disables and kills many people by virtue of its cardiovascular effects and also by virtue of its cardiovascular effects on the lung" (Reinberg).
You do not have to be an active smoker to experience the harmful effects of smoke. Breathing in the smoke of active smokers is enough to cause you serious health issues. Non-smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals causing them serious health issues. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke damages their organs, mainly the lungs and brain.
developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent. From these facts it’s easy to say
Health impact is not only on cigarette smokers but also the ones next to them. “Secondhand smoke is composed of side stream smoke (the smoke released from the burning end of a cigarette) and exhaled mainstream smoke (the smoke exhaled by the smoker)” (Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, 2010). Report shows that the health impact on second-hand smokers is even greater than that on the smoker. (Schick, S., & Glantz, S., 2005) Third-hand smoke is the tobacco smoke that attached to clothing, wall, furniture, hair, skin and other materials after the cigarette is extinguished. So,