
Liberty Ranch High School Research Paper

Decent Essays

Healthy Choices for Liberty Ranch High School
There are many things the people in Liberty Ranch High School can do to make the school much healthier. I purpose Liberty Ranch should do activities to help us with our eating habits like keeping a food journal, inviting a professional health speaker to help make the school healthier, make food posters or a nutrition class.
One of the reasons why LRHS should invite a professional health speaker is on the low results we got in our “healthy eating” survey. My class and I made a survey of UN/healthy eating and gave the survey to the whole school. We all got assigned a class and had to write a hand made letter asking them to take the survey we made. We later got the results and exanimated them. This helped us see how many people ate healthy and how many did not. We later made a chart of the results and 80% answered “no” overall the entire survey. This survey also helped us see how many people we would affect if we helped our …show more content…

One of the articles students would read is “No Lunch Left Behind” by Waters and Heron. The article talks about cheap foods, school cafeterias and food that is thrown away. Public safety’s has been redesigned in every school to help kids eat healthier. “Launched in 1946 as a public safety, it has turned out to be a poor investment. It should be redesigned to make our children look healthier” (Waters and Heron). As what the article says many school cafeterias aren’t really “cafeterias”. They usually heat up frozen foods or left overs. I thought our school cafeteria was like that too but, after the field trip to the cafeteria, I saw that the food they make is freshly made, and the pizza is hand made, not frozen and just heated up. This was a good experience; I now eat food from the cafeteria! Thanks to Susan Stewart. The article “No Lunch Left Behind” is very interesting article to read, like the facts of food being thrown

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